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We need to become wolves again

Wolves are all around us. The Military (and Intelligence agencies), Law Enforcement, Cartels (and other criminals) and large private organizations are all fighting each other as well as preying on the civilian population. This is the game that they all play and everyone is a part of it whether they want to be or not and the stakes are high and are getting higher. Civilization or what people see as civilized society, is just a facade and its collapsing. We will soon be in a place where we have to watch over our own communities and not rely on third parties for that task. If you don’t have warriors around you, your not gonna make it through.

We must become once again a warrior race, something many of us haven’t in generations. And why can’t you? Because you never went to basic training? Nobody gave you a badge or a uniform? That is very much beside the point.

~ Clay Martin @wayofftheres

The majority of the world are sheep. The NPCs, the random characters from the city streets of GTA, the civilians who don’t even know the game is being played often times just out side their perceived world. The ones that don’t know the house down the street is drug house or that they just walked into a mob bar and disrespected the hostess. They either don’t under stand how dangerous the real world is because of their sheltering within “civilization” or they willfully ignore the game entirely. They outsource to and rely on a third party for their protection and security. Most of which have no intention of protecting them when the shit really hits the fan. The sheep will always be targeted, oftentimes victimized, and sometimes caught up in the crossfire as collateral damage resulting in their remaining time in the game much more difficult, or ending it entirely.

“Military, cops, cartels and prepared citizens are all in the game and if you are not you are the target”

~Ed Calderone @manifestoradiopodcast

Many of us have all been consumed by social media, tv, video games or one of the other forms of bread and circus for far to long and that needs to change. Many need to wake up to the fact that no one is coming to save you. If the police force was going to save you which is debatable at this point, See our article HERE, they are not going to now. Their staffing is in the toilet and the good ones are gone or leaving.

There are civilians that understand the game is being played and conduct them selves as such, by preparing the best they know how. Whether or not they are actively playing, they know the game is being played, they have evaluated their situation and judged what level of threat they face and understand that the could be thrust into the game at any moment. Though they typically focus too heavily on buying things when what they really need to do is….

Becoming wolves again

You have to be a sheepdog Ed watch out for the flock….Sheepdogs get eaten where I am from, you want to be a coyote or a wolf.

~Ed Calderone

While coyotes are sly like the fox, seen as the tricksters, and they will survive, they are never honored by warriors but are more respectable than most other metaphors, though they will never be top of the food chain. So what does that leave?…….. Wolves

Why not bears, tigers, lions or any of the many animals often associated with warriors? While some of them have warrior qualities, most of them still perform in the circus. Few of them have tribes or pack, and most of them have qualities that are left unexamined.

Bears are brutes but they are primarily scavengers and loners. All big cats except the lions are loners and are more likely to run than fight. Lions have a pride but the males sit around waiting for the females to do the hunting. Thats why the lioness is popular metaphor for female warriors.

Men with a taste or talent for violence who want to be “good guys” often refer to themselves as sheepdogs, sheepdogs have a deep love for and fights to protect sheep defined as as healthy productive citizens with no capacity for violence. From the wolves who have a capacity for violence but no empathy for their fellow citizens. What is a sheepdog if not a domesticated wolf  who as the result of his breeding training and conditioning does exactly what he is told. A sheep dog is a pet a sheepdog has a master his master owns him. The sheepdogs master is not the sheep. His master uses the sheepdog to control the sheep. Who are his assets with which he hill do as he pleases. One wonders if theses so called sheepdogs will ever wake up screaming knowing they aided in the slaughter of their charges or if they will simply block it out and move on barking the wolves are coming perhaps then a sheepdog isn’t such a noble thing to be after all.

~Jack Donovan @ph2t3r

That brings us back to the wolves

Why insult yourself or your tribe by associating them with domesticated pets. Why fight like a sheep dog when you can fight like a wolf. Men need to become the wolves of their tribes again. Our tribes need to raise wolf pups again, because the other wolves are all circling and moving in for the kill.

The empire likes to show wolves as evil, dangerous, violent, typically the villain characters of children’s stories targeting the weak and defenseless. However while wolves were feared they were also revered by the northern tribes.

You don’t see wolves performing in the circus. Wolves are the kings of the north. Wolves protect their own even from other wolves. They live in a pack, work in a pack and hunt as a pack. Up and hunting year round they don’t take a season long nap. They take care of their own including their elders. Being fierce predators no matter the sex there is not an animal in their kingdom that they cannot take down.

The men of tribes have always passed down the warrior skills to their sons. This is the natural way of things. Every man is a warrior for the tribe even though it was not their primary profession.

Professional armies are a more modern invention that sprouts up as people grow soft from the convince of civilization and grow farther and farther from having to survive on their own.

Becoming a wolf will be a journey, take it one step at a time, you just have to prioritize it. Get fit, take classes, learn the skills a little bit at a time in between your other responsibilities. We cover a wide range of info in our paid section Barbarian Tradecraft that will get you started and help guide you to the right topics, information, and experts to search out and learn from.

The longer you wait the more you will have to learn on the fly and the less likely you will be to succeed. Then start teaching your children. Sons and daughters. While they have rarely been the primary warriors there has always been shield maidens and female warriors throughout history. Your wife and daughters should know how to defend them selves and protect their families just as much as the fathers and sons, even if ideally it would be a last resort for them.

Will you become a wolf

There are groups out there that want no other end than your extermination or enslavement. The age old battle of good and evil is making its way back into the foreground for everyone and which side is which is not clear for most people. The facade of civilization is collapsing, and the realities of the world are making their way back into everyones lives. Those who do not want to become prey will need to become wolves. The first step is step is simple decide not to be the victim and become the wolf if you don’t…..

You will not survive here. You are not a wolf, and this is a land of wolves now.

~Alejandro – Sicario

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Barbarian War Bands

Your tribe needs a war band, your raiders. Back in the day empires and tribes would raid each other for resources, now your war band needs to do business. It is not uncommon for homesteaders to want to sell eggs, or vegetables, or other products that the homestead produces. While there is nothing wrong with this, you are not going to be able to sell enough to make ends meet in this day and age. It can certainly be part of your tribes income if you or some members wen the homesteading route, (which I think we all need to even if its only for producing your own food. Anything you can make your self frees up capital for other things.

But if you ignore the digital landscape and all the business opportunities that it can offer, your not setting your self up for success. There is so many different products and business models that you can set up online that require very little input once they get going that they can make money for you while you do other things. This is called passive income, and while its never truly passive, you can get money coming in from relatively low amounts of work allowing you to have other time to make more money in other ways.

When you have multiple people doing this you multiply the income streams and thus the potential income for your tribe. This is where the War band comes in

War band vs your brotherhood

While your brotherhood should be more exclusive, your war band need not be. There were shield maidens in the past and now there is women in business now. Your brothers can certainly be in your war band, and if they are business minded they should be but other members of your tribe can participate as well even the children. As long as they are in the tribe, and business minded, or even if they are not but they are bringing in significant income for the tribe. They can and should be in this group. They could be a lawyer but work for a firm instead of their own. It doesn’t mean they can’t be you or your tribes lawyer. Specialist such as this could and should be part of your tribes war band if you have have members like that. They might be able to contribute important information to your bands projects you other wise would have to go outside the tribe for. Think CPA’s, bookkeeping, tax professionals, lawyers, engineers etc.

A rising tide lifts all ships

Pooling your resources with your tribe isn’t just for paying the bills, taking shifts in the garden or with the kids for schooling. Get your entrepreneurs together, brainstorm, come up with products, content idea, business ideas, figure out how you can help each others business and where you can collaborate.

Have extra eggs? Sell them, same goes for vegetables, or even ornamental plants your homestead might be growing. Let the kids work the stand instead of a lemonade stand. Or maybe you have a digital marketer, let him market your other businesses online. Or maybe you have content creators, Help them get content created or find ways that they can collaborate. Cross market each other products in each others store, digital or brick and mortar. This is how wealthy families got wealthy. They knew the whole family had to be participating and it couldn’t hurt them but only help them as a whole to help everyone get prospering. In your case your tribe might not be family exclusive but the concept is the same.


Remember the overall goal of bettering your tribe, and don’t let it ruin your relationships. If something is not going to work let it go and move on to the next project. Offer opinions when asked and when its in your wheel house, but don;t try to tell others how to run their projects. Golden rule applies within your tribe. In fact its the only place that its still safe to abide by it.

Just like doing business with anyone outside the tribe, talk to an expert on structures, laws, regulations, taxes etc. and make sure everyone is on the same page when it come to goals and expectations. If you take care of this up front, it will save you lots of headaches later on. If they are both tribe members and in your war band it should be because you know them and they are hard workers and business minded. This is already two big hurtles that cause problems but that does not mean that there is not going to be head bumping. It is inevitable whether your working with friends family or strangers.

Its not that complicated

This can all be as simple as just knowing what everyone is doing so that you can refer people to them as the opportunity arrises or seeing if any tribe members need a job before hiring outside. Only in recent times has it been deemed immoral but society to help those you know when it comes to business or job opportunities and most cultures still will take care of their own before outsiders. As long as they are qualified and nothing is illegal then why would you hire someone you don’t know over some one you do or is vouched for by someone you know.

Now get out there and bring home that plunder for your tribe.

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A Barbarian Brotherhood

When you hear brotherhood you might think Templars, Assassins creed, freemasons, fraternities, biker clubs, the fire departments, law enforcement or the military to name a few. Though I don’t believe that brotherhood is being fostered by the members or allowed anymore by the higher ups in most fire departments and law enforcement agencies or most of the military. The only exception might be special operations units to some degree, specifically 75th Rangers and units from the Marine corps based on talking to and listening to members of both.

Brotherhood is more than just having a male friend, or even a few of them. It is about having men in your life that care about each other and are willing to have each others back. Who you are willing to put before your self if the need arises. It requires a commitment, to show up, and put in work with or to help the men in your group.

Brotherhood also requires honor, in short, you and your brothers will have to figure out what honor means to you, what your code is and what constitutes fallowing it. This honor code should be one part of the set of rules that govern your brotherhood, following them is honorable, the more you follow the more honorable you are and if you break them you dishonor the group.

Brothers will need to know that the men beside you are going to have your back and are not going to turn and run, they also need to know the same about you. You will need to be able to count on them in times of crisis. In order to be successful you will want the other men to prove they are committed to theIr brothers.

Brotherhood begins as an alliance between men against all external forces. This oath be it formal or informal spoken or unspoken is the most sacred aspect of the brotherhood. The oath of brotherhood creates a voluntary kinship a sense of collective identity a foundation of trust. The oath of brotherhood is what holds everything together and without it or when it has been irreparable corrupted by conniving and betrayal the brotherhood will inevitably fall apart.

~ Jack Donovan

Now that we have recapped what brotherhood is a relationship sense from our last article lets talk about the structure of A brotherhood.

Building your brotherhood

Now I cannot tell you what will work and what doesn’t as This is still a work in progress for me, and in reality what works for me might not work for you. You might have a large pool of friends to start from already, while others may have to build from zero. Some groups will just grown naturally and other you will have to claw and fight to get them built and staying together for reasons that are to numerous to list.

What I can do is layout a basic strategy that I am currently trying to follow as well as some wisdom and philosophy from others and wish you the best.

The basic out line will in many ways will be the same As building a tribe. The only difference is that you would add a men only requirement for your brotherhood. I mention this first as well because if your starting from scratch, a brotherhood would be a an easier thing to build than a tribe if for no other reason than size. And once that brotherhood is built or coming together, by bringing the families together a tribe can naturally grow out of the brotherhood.


I have covered before that I have higher standards than most when it comes my relationships. As I think you should as well I understand that some wont. You could be looking for just a super tight group thats just a step above friends. That is fine, I would classify that as the lowend of brotherhood, and for some that just may be where you want to start and build on.

My thoughts on a brotherhood are more structured and on the high end. A group that fosters bonds and relationships closer to family than to friends. To that end some of whats to come may apply to you and  some may not, take what you like leave the rest. Grow your brotherhood how you and your brothers see fit. Some things may grow out of your group naturally and some may never come up.

You don’t need a formal group with tax documentation to be a brotherhood, you don’t need membership roster or president, or rank structures etc. you need face time and bonding. The rest can come later or will come naturally depending on how organized you want to get.

Whats important is that you start strengthening your in person relationships And help each other grow. Everything else is just gravy.

Create proximity

your friends on Facebook are going to be useless if a crisis strikes near you. Even if it only affects you such as a family member dying, your boys showing up in person are going to make a much bigger impact than some likes, and well wishes on Facebook.

Find men who are geographically close to you, or focus on your local friends you already have. If this is not an option consider moving to their location or them to yours. This can be amplified by moving into the same neighborhood or apartment building. Being close create familiarity and a shared Identity which will help create your us.

This can be done online but only to a point. The internet is great tool for finding people if you don’t have a group to start from and group chats are great for keeping every one in touch, but you NEED to do things together you need to build that trust.

Make a regular occasion to grab a couple beers, smoke some cigars, play poker. These are great for socializing and are a great start to get to know each other a bit or to throw in once in a while to unwind but you need to learn how each other operate. Go to the range, train together, take a martial arts class or seminar, go hunting, play paintball, go to the gym, something, anything that teaches you a skill or improves yourself and each other.

You need to get together in person. Other wise you can’t truly hold each other accountable. If you never see someone in person, you can hide the fact that you are not putting in the work and you can ignore more effectively any attempts to push you To keep going. Now to go to a darker place for a moment to drive the importance home, what happens if one of your brothers is suicidal?  How are you going to pull that gun out of their hand if you are not near by.

This is perhaps one of the most important aspects of a brotherhood. Too much time is spent online as it is for most people. We need to change that. There are many online “brotherhoods” and they are well meaning but despite what the public has been sold, you will never be able to substitute in person relationships with online relationships.


Your group needs to have a mission, goal or specified purpose. Something that the members work together to further the efforts of, or attempt to achieve. Such as combat effectiveness for the military units, or religious efforts for the religious orders. This could be simply self improvement, or building a grou homestead for your families.

Shared identity and view

Many factors come into play for this but they can come from a shared family background, shared profession, and shared or similar religious beliefs to name a few. In short because it should be fairly obvious, the members have to have similarities. Some foundation to build future bonds on. This is part of what makes your “us”.


Groups need a selection process. Whether its open enrollment and then they test the applicants, or they actively go out and recruit specific people. There would be a process of choosing the potential members so that they have the best chance of fitting into the group, culture or mission of the group.

If your goal is to get you all homesteads then someone who doesn’t want to move out of the city is not a good match. Not everyone will be. Being selective about your members will give your group the best chance of success. Not everyone wants to rise some people just want to stay where they are.


Fucking new guys for those that don’t know, is a term for new members to a group. Coined in the military and it then filtered out to other groups as veterans left the military. They are the newbies, that don’t know the rules, or how to do their jobs yet. Most structured groups have these. They are the rookies, or probies, rushes, prospects and so one. They reference members who have passed selection and are now on a trial basis within the group, partial members you might say. Most groups can expel these members more easily than full members and they are not privy to all info or benefits of the brotherhood yet. Now they have to earn that full membership. Usually after a list of required tasks and a vote for approval by the current full members.


They are all going to have a code, or rules for how the members conduct themselves. This is how the members know when a member is being honorable or not. The FNGs have to now learn and abide by the code in order to be eligible to move up to full brother. Your codes are going to stem from your groups views, and its mission or goals.

Fighting, danger, and suffering

Most of these groups involve fighting, combat or danger of some kind. Now while this is not necessary, bonds forged over fighting and gander can be stronger than those not if for no other reasons that their is consequences if you fail your brothers. Now depending on how this is approached legality becomes an issue so don’t break any laws. However this can be added to your group simply by going to a martial arts school as a group, the more practical the style the better, and ideally one that spars regularly.

Many people love the movies where bonds are forged through tough times, such as war, disaster, a heist and being hunted by the police, take your pick depending on your preferred flavor of cinematic entertainment. This is due to the nature of hard times and suffering. It presents those opportunities for individuals to step up and really help there tribe, their brothers, or their family, or even the guy down the street. There is consequences for failure and the stakes are high. This is part of why I believe that First Responder organizations and the military used to have that brotherhood.

It goes back to the “they will cross the country for your funeral”. The higher the stakes or the greater the suffering, the more likely someone might step up. So what happens when you live in a decadent society where people pretend to care about everyone, making it impossible to care about anyone? You get most people living in a situation where they won’t experience true suffering, and won’t have the chance presented for them to step up in those major events or if they do its once in a life time.

So what do you do about it? Make yourself and your group suffer, do a 20 mile ruck march, go run a spartan race or a go ruck even, do something that strains you all as individuals and separately so that you can pull together to help each other finish, it won’t be anything close to what its like in combat, but its as close as you might get artificially.


Brotherhoods are going to have symbols, rituals, traditions, inside jokes or routines. They all are going to have an oath of some kind. This all helps form their shared identity and sense of belonging to the group, especially for those that had fewer commonalities with the group to begin with. These are based on history of the group, their mission, former members especially those that were heros for their group and so on. This could be anything from swearing an oath to join the group, to holidays from the groups history, or routines for opening and closing meetings.

Your just playing around

Now I have often heard reluctance to starting a more formal brotherhood. This usually revolves around “your just making stuff up” “your larping” “your just playing games” etc. But really think about it, everything in this world was made up at some point. Every group we have talked about wasn’t created with the world, they didn’t discover biker clubs in some temple some where. Someone came along built it and gave it name. Some things grow organically out specific situation such as friend groups out of a class, or a religious order out of a specific mission from the church, but someone put a name to it, making it up. You might be building it from scratch for a specific mission or goal or you may just be putting a name to something thats already there formalizing it Either way get over your self if your having this thought and if you not don’t let the haters detract from what you are trying to do. They will be sitting at home alone watching Netflix while you have a group of brothers out there conquering.

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Barbarian Spirituality

I was raised Lutheran but it never felt right for me. I rarely went to church unless back east with my grandparents but even then it felt like it was just missing something for me. Like many society and the system pushed me into a state cynicism toward Christianity specifically but spirituality as whole. This went on for years until recently when I felt a pull back to spirituality. Though not back to the Lutheran church.

Now. The Empire today likes to push you towards no religion or spirituality if it can. This is because it makes it easier to assimilate into the system as one of its cogs, if your not going to grind gears with the other drones over religion. Second only to that it wants you into one the typical religions that doesn’t offer any disruptions to their systems while it deteriorates them into just another marketing demographic to make money off of. Just look at the mega churches these days for an example.

Now if you look in the liberty community or masculinity sphere of social media today your going to get the impression that in order to be a man you need to be christian. But that is not the case, there is no one set path to spirituality, and no one means you are a man and other that you are not. No one knows if one religion is right or wrong until you die. No one can know for sure any other way.

I am not going to go into my specific religion/spiritual practice because really it doesn’t matter its a personal choice and preference. However I do believe every man needs a spiritual practice of some kind in his life. It can give a man someone to talk to when there is no one else, it can give a man confidence, or just some needed reassurance in a very dark and turbulent world.

Now that does not necessarily mean a man needs religion. Those things are two different concepts In my opinion, they do relate to one another, but you can be spiritual without being religious. Religion implies dogmas and a set structure that you must adhere to. Now there is nothing wrong with that, some men need that structure in their life. Its the same reason that some men thrive in environments like the military, university, or prison for that matter. But that also makes you vulnerable to deception and control From those who form and hand down that structure. And lets be fair that is exactly what religions have been for through out time. For good and for bad, they have been control systems, and many evils have been done through the centuries in the name of one religion or the other.

You also need to remember that all regions were made by man. Men had to physically write or transcribe the holy books no matter what the source material came from, and in many cases man edited the holy books. For instance the King James Bible that many people keep as THE Bible. Is called the King James Bible because it is the Bible that King James AUTHORIZED for the peasants to own and read. Now does this mean that he removed or changed info or section of it? no, but It is a red flag that he may have and many religions scholars who have compared the King James to older versions have testified to that fact.

This does not mean that what these holy books teach and talk about is wrong or inaccurate, but the religion it self and the books were made by a human being that is capable of fault and/or corruption, and therefor is a something you need to consider. You only need to look at modern religions themself as proof of that. How many forms of christianity are their? It has changed and split multiple times over the centuries as culture changes and today barely resembles anything I remember it as in my childhood.

What does this all mean?

Find and follow the religion or practice that speaks to you. You will often feel pulled to one or another or one may present it self at the moment you truly need it. Some will require more of you than others and some will make you sacrifice more than others, mentally, spiritually and sometimes physically. If you have no idea where to start, then start with your culture and heritage, but remember to keep an open mind toward other faiths as well.

  • Has your culture historically followed one practice or another?
  • How about your family/bloodline specifically?
  • What are faiths of people you know?  It can sometimes help to know people in the faith when you enter it. Start there and see what it turns up.

You want to make sure that your values and code if you have already developed them match or at least mesh with your spiritualities values, or vice versa if you have your spiritual values and are working on your code. Other wise you will always be conflicted and it will hinder you ability to make decisions, and move forward.

If family is important to you then your spiritual practice should emphasis family or at least not hinder it. If your trying to build wealth then your religion shouldn’t always be telling you that money is evil as a couple examples. This could simply be difference between churches of the same faith as well as difference between faiths.

Keep in mind your spiritual practice is meant to better yourself, protect you, bring you a more full life. Not take anything from someone else, so remember these principles when your evaluating spiritual paths or even just deciding between churches or sects, If they go against these principles or require that you violate them against someone else, than you should consider another option.

1 – All people are created equal.

2- All people have individual rights.

3 – All interactions between people should be voluntary

No one has the right….

1 – To harm you.

2- To threaten you,

3- To steal from you.

4- To violate your rights

Nothing says that you cannot give up any of these rights that follow in order to adhere to the faiths code or be part of the organization if you want to but the organization should not call on you to force others to make the same decisions. All should be voluntary.

Everyone has…

1 – The right to liberty – We can do what we want, as long as we do not

violate the rights of others.

2 – The right to self-defense – We can defend ourselves, our property,

and our individual rights,

3- The right to own and carry weapons – So we have the ability to

defend ourselves, our property, and our rights.

4- The right to self-ownership – We own ourselves. No one can claim

even partial ownership over you without violating your rights,

5- The right to free speech – We can communicate our opinions and

ideas without fear of government retaliation or censorship.

6- The right to privacy – No one has the right to violate our privacy.

Any law that violates our rights is null and void. Anyone that violates

our rights is a criminal.

As a final note

Always trust your gut if something feels off to you. It could be small it could be big but if something feels wrong then it probably is And you may want to keep some distance. True cults and extremest groups are dangerous and you don’t want to get tied up with them or what they bring with them.

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What Is Brotherhood

What is brotherhood? Men are not meant to be isolated, Modern society either sells men on the supposed benefits to living an isolated and disconnected life, or it creates situations that require it in order to succeed or as is the case for most people,  just to get by. This goes against how man has developed and lived since the beginning of time. Men need to be part of a  tribe, men need brotherhood, we are not meant to be lone wolves. Part of why society is where it is today is because men stopped depending on each other and started depending on the Empire.

A lone man is quite easy to manage in one way or another and is rarely a threat to something as widespread as the Empire. Without a support network a man alone is nothing but the sum of his intelligence, genetics, and life experience. His wants or needs are his alone and are of little consequence to anyone else especially the Empire. This makes him easy to control and dependent on the Empire and its many systems. This is the Empire’s future, a large pool of interchangeable units of labor.

When a man finds himself in a group of men he quickly figures out how he stacks up. When this group is your brothers, that have your best interests at heart they will push you to better yourself, and help you along the way while you do the same for them. When you are alone and the men around you are strangers, they likely don’t have your best interest at heart and even if they do you can simply ignore them and live in a fantasy that you are already the best, and you will stay exactly where you are, never growing or bettering yourself. Being part of a group that you care about and care what they think makes that impossible. While a woman might say that you did your best, a brother will look you in the eyes and say you could have done better and then shows you how and If nothing else the healthy competition brotherhood provides will be the catalyst for growth.

Brotherhood used to be a part of everyday life back in the times of roaming tribes trying to survive. Other tribes were trying to kill them, nature was trying to kill them, all of life was a fight. The men of these tribes would draw a perimeter around themselves and the tribe and fight to protect it. Defending this perimeter has always been job one. Then as tribes began to settle down and become villages, and villages became towns and towns cities, the world became more “civilized.” With that “civilization” Less and less people had to fight to survive. Male only professions  then became the holdout for the last vestiges of brotherhood until the only place where men had to band together to fight for a common goal, and watch each others back was the Military, law enforcement, and the Fire service. However thanks to the degradation of these bonds and traditions of these institutions, corruption, over regulation, back stabbing colleges and toxic command staff to name a few, brotherhood in these professions as well has began to die or already has. These so called, last remaining holdouts of brotherhood are also said to have a higher purpose and are more of a calling then a job, but as many who get into them know this has become less and less true as time goes on and are now just marketing and recruiting campaigns designed to pull on those strings inside men in order to replenish the ranks.

I don’t believe I’ve ever experienced true brotherhood, looking back I was exposed to fleeting moments of something that resembled it but nothing that ever truly rose to the standard. It took me reading some books that shined a light on it and brought brotherhood and tribe into perspective, to know I was even missing it. I knew something was missing, and I knew that I was looking for it, but what it was specifically eluded me. Looking back on the goals I’ve had in life, brotherhood was major aspect in all of them and I just didn’t realize it or have the language to explain it at the time.

 Now that I knew what I was searching for, and after sometime of actively searching for it, I question if it is still attainable in today’s society. It seemed hard to attain before 2019 let alone now, after 3 years of society dividing propaganda, the damage resulting from the pandemic response, political turmoil and the destruction of societies social bonds thanks to social media over the last decade it almost seems impossible. This damage has resulted in what some would call “families” actively splitting up or exiling their own over political views, vaccination status, or any number of meaningless issues of the day that have been pushed on them by society and the Empire.

 A man without a brotherhood who  is going through hardship can overburden his wife with the weight of his problems. This will cause more stress on the relationship and family, often times much more than necessary. However even when you have no hardships, having some brotherhood in your life fulfills an evolutionary requirement for men. When this requirement is fulfilled they feel better physically as well, their mood, mental health and confidence all improve. While this is great for the men, this will also transfer over into other aspects of your life and make your family as a whole happier as well.

Some will say that your wife or girlfriend should be all the support network you need, but she doesn’t want to be your therapist, or your only problem solver, she wants to be your wife. And despite what they say, women cannot truly understand some things that men go through for one simple reason, they are not men, and because of that they will see the world in a different way.

“Your woman will never be able to fully relax into her femininity so long as you treat her like your coach, therapist or healer. She can support you, but how are you supporting yourself?”

~Brandan Schmidt


Summed up in a few words, from an online meme, “Friends help you move, brothers help you move bodies.” Brotherhood is more than just having a male friend, or even a few of them. It is about having men in your life that care about each other and are willing to have each others back. Who you are willing to put before your self if the need arises. Much of what I understand brotherhood to be now occurred to me after reading The Way of Men by Jack Donovan as well as some of the fleeting moments of pesudo-brotherhood I experienced from my time in the Fire Service.

Being part of a brotherhood is a commitment and in some ways a skill.  It requires that you show up, and put in work with or to help the men in your group. It requires this consistently to maintain that relationship, like a skill it is something that you will get better at as time goes on and it will improve other aspects of your life. Showing up and putting in work is what is required to run any business, organization or your family, Brotherhood nurtures this in men making them more prepared for the real world.

Brotherhood also requires honor, but how do you know what is honorable? How do you know if you or your brothers are honorable? Cultures change, society changes, what is acceptable, changes and are subjective to the individual or group of individuals, this is where the honor code comes in and in short, you and your brothers will have to figure out what honor means to you, what your code is and what constitutes fallowing it? This code should be one part of the set of rules that govern your brotherhood, following them is honorable, the more you follow the more honorable you are and if you break them you dishonor the group And there needs to be consequences. This is partially how the group is held accountable. This through history has been tied to chivalry, and manners, loyalty etc. For instance The marines motto is “Semper fidelis, or Semper Fi. This means always faithful, practically this translates to never let a fellow marine fight alone or having each others back. This one aspect alone when instilled properly, is why the few veterans I hear talking about still having that brotherhood even once they are off active duty, are those coming out of the Marine Corps.

Brotherhood begins as an alliance between men against all external forces. This oath be it formal or informal spoken or unspoken is the most sacred aspect of the brotherhood. The oath of brotherhood creates a voluntary kinship a sense of collective identity a foundation of trust. The oath of brotherhood is what holds everything together and without it or when it has been irreparable corrupted by conniving and betrayal the brotherhood will inevitably fall apart.

~ Jack Donovan

Brotherhood requires commitment, you will need to know that the men beside you are going to have your back and are not going to turn and run, they also need to know the same about you. You will need to be able to count on them in times of crisis. In order to be successful you will want the other men to prove they are committed to the team. This is one aspect that is looked for in special operations selections. Also beyond proving ability this is why police and fire departments have probationary periods, also the reason motorcycle gangs have prospects, and street gangs have jumping ins. All these groups have tests to judge how committed the individual is to the team.

 The men that want to join have to also care about what the members think, if they don’t care what they think there is no reason for them to work to grow and improve. Men who don’t care about what the other men think of them aren’t dependable.

Brothers should push each other and hold each other to a standard.  Men need someone to push them, and call them on their bullshit when the going gets tough in order to become what they are truly capable of. Where a woman might pat you  tell you you did your best, your brother should look you in the eyes and say “do  better.”

As an attempt in recent years to get back some shred brotherhood men’s groups, masterminds, and men’s support groups started popping up and becoming more popular. While being well intentioned, they are usually built around nothing more than getting together and talking with no other goal, purpose, or activity. This alone cannot foster brotherhood, there needs to be an over arching common goal, some kind of battle to fight. They need to go to war in some way whether that is against them selves (Self improvement with a stated goal), another team (sports league) or in the business world.

“Men need accountability, challenge and to be confronted by the truth. These things are not found easily in modern life, but they are found in brotherhood.”

~Brandan Schmidt

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The Empires Masculinity

 Masculinity is mainly about what men want from each other, its is about being a man within a group of men. Women believe they can improve men, they think they can change eons of men’s evolution by redefining masculinity to make it about what women think they want from men. Men want women to want them, this is obvious, but this approval isn’t the only approval men look for.

One of the secrets to being a man is never allowing the fiercest part of you to be tamed

When men behave savagely only men will understand

~ Michael Kurchina

Men compete against each other within a group for status and as a way to seek each others approval. This is part of the the crucible that all boys must under go to become a man. This crucible must be undergone whether a boy likes it or not. Unfortunately with the death of tribes, and brotherhoods, boys have few if any guides or traditions to explain this to them.

Often times it goes forgotten or rejected completely. Essentially forfeiting their place as men and accepting defeat before they even get started. They remain in a state of perpetual boyhood that is becoming increasingly obvious as you look around society.

Some will reward and encourage this forfeiture. Playkating the boys as being courageous for doing so, these people are weak. They despise masculinity and anyone who demonstrates it. They are usually men who failed or forfeited their crucible or are manipulators working behind the curtain who prefer men to be passive to further their own agendas.

Many these days argue that masculinity is no longer or never was necessary. These people are really saying that your masculinity is not necessary, to THEM. That your masculinity is an inconvenience or threatens them or their agendas in some way. They are saying that you should make an effort to limit your own potential so that they can realize their potential instead.

The Empire and our so called leaders have created a world in spite of men. A world that refuses to accept who men are despite their war cries of inclusiveness and acceptance of everyone. They push men to change “for the better”  by abandoning their “antiquated” ways. They push them to conform to the new ways put forth by The Empire and offer nothing in return.

All Empire has to offer is rampant materialism with nothing of any substance or value. Nothing Spiritual, less and less freedom, nothing that nurtures the soul and by all margins, far less than our fathers and men of past generations was offered.

If you give your consent and confine yourself to this spiritual prison willingly, you deserve the tiny, wasted life of dishonor and servitude that your new owners will assign you.

This end of men, this decline of males this new bonobo masturbation society of peace and plenty-this no mans land- is not inevitable. It will require the tacit or expressed consent of billions of men. Like every civilization, it must be built on the backs of men, and most of them must agree to abide by and enforce its laws. You cant have prisons without prison guards and you cant have security without some kind of police. Men will have to get up in the morning and go to their clerking jobs and smile and consume and continue to amuse themselves according to regulation. Civilization requires a social contract and men have to keep up their end of the bargin for it to work. This future can only happen if men help create it.

~Jack Donovan The Way of Men

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Robert Frost famously wrote that home is the place where, when you have to go there, they have to take you in. The word “tribe” is far harder to define, but a start might be the people who you feel compelled to share the last of your food with.

~Sebastian Junger

Sebastian Junger is referring to a time that he was back packing in the United States and was approached by a stranger as he sat on the side of an overpass. The wan was a fill in worker at the local coal mine that lived in a broken down car. On this day he was not needed so he didn’t need the lunch that he had packed. Junger remembers the man saying “I saw you from town and just wanted to make sure you were okay” As he offered him the lunch that he probably got from the local church and Junger now felt obligated to take. Junger later states that he thinks of this man often to this day. “He’d been generous, yes, but lots of people are generous; what made him different was the fact that he’d taken responsibility for me. He’d spotted me from town and walked half a mile out a highway to make sure I was okay. For reasons I’ll never know, the man in Gillette decided to treat me like a member of his tribe.”


Humans are not meant to be isolated, individually or even as a family. We were not meant to stick to our selves, work, pay taxes and die. Modern society sells us on the supposed benefits to living an isolated and physically disconnected life, or it creates situations that require it in order to succeed or in the case of most, just to get by. Our species is now the most digitally connected that it has ever been but we have grown apart physically. This goes against how humans have developed and lived since the beginning of time. They need to be part of  a tribe, in person and real, not digitally in some computer generated universe or via a phone on some social media platform that barely mimics human interaction. People often talk about the nuclear family and the single family unit, but this is not enough, A support network of 10 is better than a support network of two.

Today, for most people tribe has become a superficial synonym for “loyal customer.” The Empire in one way or another has watered it down to a trendy marketing buzzword, and removed any substantial meaning it once had, taking any example of surviving tribalism and portraying them as barbaric or uncivilized, labeling them a cult, gang or terrorist organization and calling them extremists. While true in some instances, it is in appropriate to apply the label to all groups, especially from a society that champions so called “equality and acceptance”.


 Groups considered barbarians throughout history were not necessarily people that had no moral codes, criminals, cannibals or savages as they are often portrayed today. They were simply groups separate of the empire of the time. Maybe their morals or codes or culture did not completely align with that of the current empire or maybe they did and they just wanted to live separately, this on its own didn’t make them evil, or criminal it just made them different and separate. They took care of their own, and cared little for anything or anyone else, and wanted to be left alone. This behavior or the desire for it today makes you extreme. These depictions were perpetrated for the same reason that it is today for people who go against the narrative. Its an attempt to keep the Empires citizens from deserting the Empire or what ever cause it is pushing at the moment.

The Empire continues to defame and disgrace tribal societies even in this supposedly all inclusive, all beliefs are welcome time period we are supposed to be living in because the existence of tribes is inconvenient to the Empire. Specifically the aspects of it that require everyone to fit into one of a few different boxes that it uses in its systems as well as it’s demand that we are supposed to put everyone else above ourselves and our own people.  The future The Empires is pushing us into doesn’t require the re-imagining of tribe it ultimately demands the end of tribe. According to the Empire we are not supposed to have any beliefs, relationships or anything more important to us than that which it decides is important.



Until I read Tribe by Sebastian Junger I didn’t even know that it was something I was missing. I knew I was missing something, and that I was looking for it, but reading Junger’s book gave it a name, or at least part of it a name. Now after reading it and a host of other books I have started to form a picture of what I would consider a tribe.

A tribe can take on many shapes and sizes depending on their circumstances and your own personal views on the subject. You could already be part of one and did not consider it that, or you may have to build it from scratch. A tribe could be your family friends and relatives depending on how close you are or this could be a team your part of along with your  families such as a police department, military unit, or a sports team. It will all depend on how bonded the group is, whether you feel responsible for each other and whether it meats your image or definition of a tribe as well as some factors that you should consider.


Researchers state the human brain can only maintain meaningful relationships with about 150-250 people at any given time. Now depending on what standard you put on meaningful relationship, as well as how the rest of your time is spent this number is going to fluctuate either higher or lower, most likely lower. This means that you can’t possibly know more people than that well enough to trust them even remotely. This limitation would have developed out of generations upon generations of humans living on this planet and caps the general size of what you should consider for your tribe. Now most people these days probably won’t anything near this limit if they really consider the people that would be close enough to be your tribe. This means that most of those 1000 Facebook friends some of you might have are not going to make the cut.


Now that we have an idea about size, Sebastian Junger’s story above  sheds some more light on what tribe is, People that care enough about you and you them to take responsibility and care for each other, or  “share the last of your food with them,” this means people that you can depend on and they you. In other words a certain level of loyalty not usually seen these days, which will likely make this the most difficult part of this endeavor. Finding loyalty is hard these days because it generally speaking is not rewarded in most instances. Loyalty these days typically is only spoken of in terms of frequent buyer programs. Spend more of your hard earned dollars with this one store only and we will reward you with a minuscule cash back reward or a discount coupon for further purchases. Loyalty among each other is not rewarded by any aspect of the Empire because it is against its interests and most people rarely think to reward it themselves.

In addition, a tribe is going to a have a culture all to their own, this doesn’t mean that the culture is going to be completely different from other tribes or even from society but it will likely have something unique to themselves. Whether, their rituals, customs, language or slang they will have to have some form of collective identity that makes them unique. This could the organization that you are a part of that brought them together such as the Special Forces for its team members and their families, or the rituals that their close relatives have  such as how they pray before eating, or maybe they get together for a cigar every Saturday, or a BBQ once a month.


Humans are social beings, the loner who actually likes to be alone, is an anomaly no matter how romantic the story of the wandering lone wolf hero may sound.  Odds are in the majority of people after a certain amount of time being isolated is going to take its tole, all you need is to look at is statistics of mental health and suicides over the past few years to see the evidence of that.

  Human beings who have no collective identity, no strong alliances, sense of belonging, or people they can depend on become drifters dependent on the larger system of The Empire that rules from the top down. Some people fill this need of collective identity and belonging with sports teams, religious brand fixations or their country. However as The Empire slowly crawls toward its goal of universalist identities and and as brands continue to disappoint their customers,  if they are not getting it from their tribe, people will begin to loose what little sense of belonging and collective Identity they have left in their lives. This is one reason that you see people join gangs, cults, frat houses, or ideological movements, it gives them that sense of belonging.


Now the way I see it your tribe is going to fall into one of two categories based on how I see it rolling out for other people, and that will slightly change how you go about finding or building it. Your tribe is either going to be or at least start as basically a club or maybe a brotherhood or mens group type organization. You might be able to find en established one, or you might have to build one. This could be as easy as just adding some formality to your already close friend group if you have one. Nothing else about your life really changes other than you are looking for a group of close friends or maybe relatives that you want to be around more often and be closer with than just face book likes and half assed comments on each others pictures.

Your second option is going to look like something more closely resembling what a Tribe has resembled for most of history. These typically go by “Intentional communities” and have been popular for years in certain groups of people and are no becoming more and more popular in the both the freedom community and just everyday life as poeple seek to recapture some form of community in their life or simply check out of the rat race. These groups usually have a large property or grouping of properties. The members live close to each other, work for common goals, they might have their own education programs for kids, or business they run such as farms or gardens. They may have dietary restrictions or other exclusivity based on faith or politics. They can also be “family compounds” where many generations of relatives live on the same land. This can easily grow out of the first option if your group decides to or you can try and go straight to this if it sounds good to you, As Jack Donovan put it,

What ever your us is and whatever your tribe is its just an idea in your head until you have a group of truly interdependent people who share the same fate. That’s what a tribe is. that’s what a community is and that is the future of identity in America.

~ Jack Donovan