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Is there anything left to fight for?

There is lots of talk these days that we need to fight. Most people saying that we need to fight can’t usually even tell you what we need to fight for beyond maybe parroting what ever the last thing they heard on their brainwashing of choice was. You hear it from everywhere and everyone for one reason or another. “Fight to save the country” “fight to save democracy” “Fight to save freedom” “fight for your country” “fight to tear it down” “fight for this” “fight for that” If you ask them to elaborate, or present alternative evidence or even an alternative view point, you will get a blank stare, at best, but looking around I don’t see much worth fighting for anymore.

The country? What is the country? Is it the land? The land has been here long before we were here and will be here long after were gone. Is it the people? Which people cause there is not one group of people to call Americans anymore, identity politics saw to that. It doesn’t matter what your views are for any topic, politically or otherwise, but about half of the people today want you dead or in camps, and if you don’t subscribe to either side they both are against you.

How about society? The society of rampant materialism, where nothing is made to last so that you have to constantly be buying something. Where families no longer talk because they worship different celebrities or political figures. Where the health and reproductive potential of children are being irreparably changed or destroyed before they are old enough to understand whats happening. Where people have become so disconnected and divided that no one knows each other or cares about each other. A society of constant hostility and no sense of belonging. Food that is slowly poisoning you, medicine that makes you sicker than the sickness your trying to fix. Where naturally occurring plants are illegal, but artificial poisons are legally pumped into the water. Where your told that the only way to succeed is to pile on debt at a college for a degree that won’t help you just so that you can get out get in more debt to buy a house so that you are forced to work your life away until you maybe get 10 years of retirement “freedom” before you’re put in a facility because you are deemed nothing but a burden? A facility where statistically they are to be abused or neglected for the last years of their lives. Do you look around right now and think to your self yeah this perfect, I feel free! we need to fight to keep this going?

Shepherds, Sheep, and the Empire

Most of this is in reference to the sheep, not the shepherds. The shepherds are the celebrities, the CEOs, politicians, marketing departments and so on. They are the Empire’s talking heads and are all pandering to and trying to manipulate the sheep for their own gains, especially when they call to fight against or for something. They are not dumb and know exactly what they are doing.

The sheep are the people hearing the call. The ones that you know who come at you in conversation and parrot what their chosen shepherds are saying. That’s why when you question them they get taken back and usually get angry. Even if you ask them something as simple as why. They cant figure out why cause they never thought about it. They just took the call at face value and are angry that you are not doing the same.

They don’t take a moment to think about what they are being told to fight or fight for or if it actually serves them, their tribe or hell even their city or country they supposedly ‘“belong.” They at large don’t know what they are doing, and that is who this article is ultimately referring to, because the Empire is going to keep doing it’s thing with the shepherds screaming from the hill tops, but the sheep are who you have to ultimately deal with In your life.

They are the foot soldiers for the shepherds all be it unwittingly usually. You can try to change them but your not likely to succeed at least not in the short term. Now people love to blame the government for everyone’s problems but the problem is The Empire, The Empire of Nothing is everywhere, the government is only one of the tools within its system. One tentacle on the octopus that is the Empire.


Fat, lazy, dependent, consumers that are just smart enough to work the machines and not ask questions until AI or automation can take over the job completely is all The Empire needs or wants. The alternative means competition if not directly as a competing company then just from the point that less people need their products, services and “solutions.” They don’t want strong, self reliant thinkers, because then they will sell less “solutions” when people can fix things for them selves. This applies to all industries. If they can fix a car they don’t need to buy a new one. If they can fix their own health then why do they need pharmaceutical companies. Its all competition in sense and the Empire doesn’t like competition.

It’s a culture problem

What ever your culture allows to happen will happen. If your culture is weak it will allow it self to be pushed around. If it tolerates laziness you will get laziness. If it rewards strength you will get strength. If your culture is strong and others weak yours will typically prevail. The Empire manipulates this situation to its own end usually financial reward and or control for its self and its higher ups. People won’t want to hear this because it is not going to be a quick fix but it is the problem that we ultimately have and the Empire exploits it.

The Empire only can do what the people allow, people mistake this power with the ability to vote. While voting is supposed to play a role in the government proceedings, the weight the peoples vote carries cannot out weigh the money that the Empire throws around after someone is elected. Voting takes no effect directly on the empire. This is where the old saying “vote with your wallet” become applicable. This will at least more directly effect the Empire. This power more directly stems from what the people and its culture will allow but you have to participate, If you don’t like something stop buying it or supporting it and support the alternative.

Ultimately it doesn’t matter who is in control of “the system” if the culture is opposed to it. You cannot force opposing views on a culture and you cannot change a culture by force, eventually it will fight back or go under ground. However culture naturally adopts and changes over time and that can be manipulated and the people themselves manipulated to change the culture. You have to be aware of this in order to not let it happen to you. You have to allow some change because somethings shouldn’t continue, but you shouldn’t let the good get changed and thrown out with the bad.

Through a desire for a utopian world that should be, rather than living in the world that actually is, along side a desire to be 100 percent safe, at the expense of everything else, cultural manipulation has nudged the culture to drift away from freedom and toward tyranny. It has the strong being demonized and the weak to being put on a pedestal. Through cultural manipulation wedges have been driven between every group, belief, race, and every other demographic on the list. It has shifted importance from facts and to emotions. People are encouraged to sleep walk through life and their inconsistency in their values has allowed for the culture to be manipulated against them. Allowing hypocrisy and rampant weakness to take over. That weakness has allowed everything else we now face. Many of the problems we face today could have been handled by a strong culture and a strong people simply saying no in the beginning.

Can it be saved or should we let it burn?

I am not going to lie, I am burnt out on the fighting, the division, and all the sheep that play right into it.

Just about everything people scream to fight to save is part of what is enslaving or killing them. The shepherds scream fight to save the system and the sheep repeat it thinking its right. They are fighting to stay in the status quo because people don’t like change even If the status quo is killing them. It comes out of convenience and ease and unwillingness to do the hard right instead of the easy wrong. Maybe saving the Empire of Nothing is not whats best for people.

The only thing I see worth fighting for is freedom and liberty, to bad most people don’t understand what that is anymore. They will shout freedom as they pass more laws. Most people say they want freedom but they don’t want others to have it too. They want to be free to live how they want but don’t want others to live how they want to live. They want their way to be right and for everyone to have to live their way. They say they want freedom but really they want tyranny that they agree with.

But hey maybe the culture can be turned around and we can regain what we have lost and therefor fix the system. Though I am not optimistic. The system was built to operate exactly how it has which has gotten us to this very moment. More likely we will have to rebuild like the phoenix from the ashes of the previous culture. The division is too great at this point, no groups seem wiling to live and let live. Everyone wants to control the other side. Its already collapsing all around us, maybe its already fallen and just everyone hasn’t caught on to the fact yet. Maybe that is whats better in the long run.

Maybe the Empire needs to burn, through fire the forest is rejuvenated. This is the most artificial and mentally, physically, and spiritually unhealthy environments ever created. There is no solidifying culture anymore and in all honestly with the population so big and with the wide spread geographical differences there can’t and shouldn’t be. Humans were never meant to live in populations this big. cities this big are simply feed lots for human tax cattle.

Wolves don’t need shepherds

Many regenerative farmers and perma-culturists like to bring up that if every one changed their grass lawns over to food producing plants, there would be no food crisis. We wouldn’t need near as much industrial/commercial farming of food that is in most cases making us sick. This is what decentralization can do.

Now imagine if you pooled your resources, with your family, friends, or tribe and bought a couple of acres together. If done correctly you could likely produce all the food you need or at least the majority of it. You would no doubt be healthier for it if nothing else. Financially you would be in a better place because its a lot easier to cover bills for one property with 12 people contributing than just 2 or 1 as it is in most cases. Not to mention the homeschooling and other opportunities it would provide.

Sometimes modern problems require ancient solutions, we need to get smaller and decentralize in just about every sense in order to simply survive these days not to mention to take back your power from the Empire of Nothing. We need to bring back our tribes. Stop worrying about the world, or the country, your state or even your city as it most likely is still too big. Most if not all of this worry is used as a way to manipulate and control you. Worry about your family, and friends and your tribe.

Build your tribe and cultivate your own culture of strength, independence, and understanding of rights and what freedom actually is. Become a tribe of wolves, be fit willing and able to defend yourself because no one else is coming to save you. Put your energy into that instead of fighting for something that doesn’t benefit you or your tribe any way. If you feel you must fight fight for true liberty and freedom which usually is not what others are calling freedom. Wolves can take care of them selves, that’s why they don’t need shepherds.

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Barbarian K9s: Raising Dogs

This is the first article for a new series/section of articles I am going to be doing around dogs and specifically working K9s of all kinds. You will occasionally see articles covering dogs, their training, health, as well as philosophy surrounding them and how they integrate into our Modern Barbarian lives. I used to run an other account specifically for this topic but I learned one thing before I shut it down. The dog and dog training community is second only to the horse show community in the levels of its toxicity so I will post this regularly but not as frequently as other topics.

The foundation of how I raise dogs is the same general idea that I use for health and nutrition decisions. What is the most natural and most inline with genetics, or natural behavior. Did humans evolve drinking sugar ladened sodas or chemically laced and manufactured food like products? No, they ate whole foods they found in nature.

From that foundation this is a rough philosophy around raising dogs.


I am a big fan of raw feeding. The healthiest dogs I have ever had I have fed raw. They have far less health problems than any of the kibble fed dogs we have owned. The same problems we have in healthcare with food companies funding and sponsoring medical schools and health organizations you see in veterinary medicine. Dog food companies fund vet schools and give kick backs to vet clinics that sell their food.

Feeding raw is much more than just throwing burger in a bowl for your dog so make sure you do your research

Forever Dog – A great book that covers dog health and nutrition as well as the dog food industry. Forever Dog Book

Barf diet – Raw feeding primer. Barf Diet Book

Now I do feed raw and I have some dogs that I feed kibble by following the check list in her book to make it the best kibble that I can but I would feed all my dogs raw if I could.


Breeding has gotten a bad name in recent years with all of the animals in shelters and I do get it and if you are only looking for a pet/companion dog you 100% should go to a shelter. Plenty of dogs there will bond harder and and longer than any dog you have ever seen and would make great companions.

But when you need a working dog, your only real option is breeding or buying from a breeder. You have a much higher chance of getting the kind of dog you need than if you roll the dice at shelter. With that you have to vet your breeders and make sure that you are supporting good responsible breeders. Any responsible breeder will let you meet or see the parents, will tell you how many litters a year they breed as well as their general breeding philosophy. If they don’t want to tell you anything, you should look for a new breeder. Just because they are AKC registered does not mean that they are healthy dogs or that the breeders are responsible.

Closed book pure bread only breeding is horrible for dogs health. It limits the gene pool and long term will degrade the over all health and quality of breeds as no new genetic material is ever introduced into the gene pool. To that end I am a firm believer in strong breeding which in short means that you occasionally breed dogs into your lines that are not the same breed but have the same working characteristics and traits that you are looking for. This produces healthier, and longer living dogs.

To this end I am not a fan of AKC or any kennel clubs as they go directly against this philosophy as well as breed for looks and not working ability which results in unhealthy breeds. The german shepherd being one of the recent many breeds that has been run into the ground health and work wise because


I firmly believe that the owner of the dog needs to do the training of the dog. Many trainers will work with the owners and tech them how to do it properly. This is because a bond forms through the training that you just don’t get if you send the dog off to a trainer for ti to be done for you. You also don’t learn how to maintain the training properly and the training will degrade and go away eventually.

No one training system will work on every dog out there. Just like humans every dog is different. So where do you start?

How does a mother dog raise(train) their pups? With corrections. She growls at them, mouths them, and if needed snaps at or bites them, usually in the scruff. The closest a human can get to this behavior while maintaining the safety of them and the dog is a pinch collar and verbal correction.

I train using a balanced approach of marker and reward training and corrections either verbally or with a pinch collar depending on what the dog and their temperament requires. Training collars and devices get a bad wrap because of people who have no clue how to use them and people who have never trained a dog in their life weighing in.

Marker training comes in because we know dogs respond to rewards as well even though it may or may not be completely inline evolutionarily. Though if you use only this method you often get dogs that wont listen unless you have treats in your hand. So you need to balance it out. Marker training is also where I start with puppies. Because at 8 wks old building a bond is more important than spot on training.

As they grow, the bond strengthens, and their temperament and personality develops and comes out more you can start to determine what the specific dog requires in terms of training methodology.

All their training starts on a leash, and then ounce their training progresses I move them to a long line. This especially is beneficial for recall training as they get more freedom but you can still remain in control so they cannot ignore the recall command. Then once I am firmly confident in their recall they progress to off leash training.

You have to Know what your dog is capable of

Not just training wise but physically. A corgey is not able of clearing a 6 foot wall no matter how much training you do. You also need to clearly communicate your expectations. This doesn’t mean explaining it to the dog. This is done through consistency. If your dog is not to get on the couch, then you can’t let him on the couch some times. If they are to bark at intruders or warn you of danger you can’t correct them when they do.

Sit down and think about what you want from the dog and think about how you and your family will need to act in order to foster that behavior. If you want the dog to warn of danger but your wife yells at it every time it barks its going to get confused.

The most important thing when it comes to corrections is to never correct the dog of it doesn’t understand the command in the first place. If you are training Sit for the first time, and you correct it when the dog doesn’t know sit your not accomplishing anything.

Great books on training your own dog are

Team dog – Written by seal team dog trainer Mike Ritland. Team Dog Book

Team dog online – Mike Ritland’s online training resource.

Fortress k9 online – Another online training resource from fortress K9.

Dog man book series – These are the two that cover the most of his training philosophy. I do not agree with everything in there but a lot of it is good information.

Dog Man 1

Dog Man 2


That is the basic foundation and philosophy of how I raise dogs. The specifics will change slightly depending on what disciplines or combinations of them each dog is doing.

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Barbarian Networking

Your network is your tribe, and networking is how you grow that tribe.

The word networking has gained a bad name over the years that stems out of networking events where people show up and throw business cards at each other and/or try to sell to each other. Neither of that is what networking is. Networking is essentially just relationship building. This seems weird for many as building relationships has always been a secondary or unintentional consequences of other activities such as work and school. You go to work you get relationships with your coworkers. You go to school, you get “friends.”

Networking just takes an intentional approach to building and maintaining relationships in your life. For many this is natural but for just as many it is not. Whether they are more introverted or shy (not the same thing), or they are just a busy person, they need to take a more intentional view at it to make sure it gets done.

This relationship building is one of the corner stones that HUMINT (Human Intelligence) operations are built on. whether it’s an intel operative in a foreign country or a patrol officer working his own city. One of the first things they do is start developing relationships. These relationships allow them to keep a finger on the pulse of the area they are working. For a homesteader this could be meeting and becoming friends with other people at the farmers market so they can trade produce, or other products but whether it’s for business, intelligence, or your personal life, if you want to be successful at anything you need to be deliberate in your actions.

Pretty simple in theory

Build relationships right? Most of us can do this naturally if all the conditions are right or the situations are forced on us like work or school but for most, when they set out to do it deliberately, if they ever do, it tends to not work out as well.

This is because most people don’t fully understand the patterns and behaviors that are established in our instincts when it comes to building relationships Or they try to build relationships with the wrong people.

Like so many things it starts with research and planning. Map it out if you have to and start there, write down the people you know, how many of them do you consider friends, and how many family, Then You need to know what your goals are for your network, which of these people line up with that goal, have a similar goal themselves, or might be able to help you out in some way?

If your goal is just to expand your personal network this makes that easy as the only requirement may be they share at least one interest or view point or maybe you have more requirements for your personal network, but that would be the bare minimum.

If it’s for business what are your business goals, who can help you achieve them and if you don’t know the people who can help you, who do you know that knows those people?

Now if its simply for friendship and personal networks, What are your interests, who do you know that shares those interests. If you don’t already know anyone that is similarly minded to you or shares interests, where are some places those type of people frequent(Where do you frequent is a good place to start.) or where could they frequent? Are their stores for your interests, or clubs, or businesses offering services to your interests in your area? Think gyms, martial arts schools, hobby related stores and so on.

Now whether your trying to expand your business network or make friends go into it trying to make friends. Even if your goals are business related. Start from the mind set of starting a personal relationship, the business can/will come later. Just have a conversation. It might seem like dating and in a lot of ways it is which is what makes it feel weird or some people but building relationships takes the same things whether its romantic, or plutonic.

A network is not a digital asset

Now that is not to say that the same principles and tactics don’t apply, or can’t be used on social media, because they can and you can always use social media to find local groups or individuals but it should not stop there.

You could have the max number of friends on social media and still not have a network. Social media facilitates communication, but it is not the network it self. You still need to have coffee with people, meet up in person, take interest in their lives beyond just what you need or want out of them, otherwise you are just a user.

Many of the problems people face today can be traced back to disconnection and that is facilitated by social media and online pseudo relationships, get back to meeting and hanging out with people in person. You cant hug someone thought he internet. You cant pull them off the ledge through facebook. Human beings need in person contact.

Barbarian Networks

You are likely to have multiple networks, at the minimum you will probably have a work network and personal network, regardless most networks no matter how they are categorized by you are going to consist of three kinds of people.

The inner circle

Your most trusted friends, your long term and vetted contacts. People that will look out for you and you them. Your kindred spirits and those with common goals. This is where your brothers, those you consider family, and at least some of your tribe will be, this might be your whole tribe if it is small. They go here because your inner circle needs to be guarded and exclusive. Only the best of the best that you have vetted, and trust with that which is most important to you. These relationships need to take priority.

The outer circle

Your friends, relatives, acquaintances and other short term contacts are here these are those you have partially vetted and given strategic positions in your network. They may be business partners, friends, and relatives. Some of your tribe will likely fall here such as wives of brothers or kids of brothers, relationships like that. These are the people that you have recently met, maybe they are not the type of person you are looking for or you just don’t know them well enough or haven’t vetted them completely enough to bring them into your inner circle.

You wont spend as much time or effort maintaining the relationship with these contacts but they are good to keep in some contact with as you never know when you might have a need they can help you with, vice versa, or how they could wind up as a long term contact someday.


Everyone that you don’t know or know minimally. There is obviously no relationship to maintain here but you should always be looking for people who fit your goals, tribe, potential friends what ever your network goals may be. People today are far to disconnected from each other and that needs to change.

Don’t forget to branch out

Don’t stick to just your industry or circle. If you are a programmer, make sure your network consists of more than other programmers. You never know when you might be able to help someone by knowing someone else in another industry.

A sales guy could have a potential sale walking out the door that mentions they are hungry. Maybe he refers them to a local restaurant thats hard to get into where he knows the hostess and tells them to mention his name and she will get them in. He didn’t make the meal but the client will remember he facilitated it if he comes back later to make the purchase. If he didn’t know the hostess and only knows sales guys he wouldn’t be able to do that.

Super Connectors

You should always be on the look out for and strive to have at least one super connector in your network. Especially when you’re growing a business network. Super connectors are people that either intentionally or as a side effect of their situation (profession or socially) are connected to a large number of individuals in a variety of bubbles (industry or location), professions, or social circumstances.

A prime example that can be both personal or business related is a bar tender, if the bar is an “industry” bar. You may have heard someone talk about thats a cop bar, or fire fighter bar or lawyer bar and so on. Bartenders have to be social for their job, and they meet a lot of people both on the customer side and the vender, service, business side. You never know who they could introduce you to if you need them to.

Another example could be an instructor at a course for one of your interests. They spend their whole days with people related to your interests or profession and can probably introduce you or at least point you in the right direction of people who you might want or need to meet.

Mindset shift

The best mindset shift you can make for intentional networking is adopting a mind set of generosity. An easy way to look at this is anytime someone does something for your find something you can do for them. Whether thats a thank you gift, or doing them a favor in return.

The next step is to start helping people with no expectation of reward. Do the favors first and keep in contact. More than likely it will come back around to you in someway later on. You help someone on the side of the road and turns out they are the hiring manager at a company you applied for. Events like that happen every day. Could be as small as letting someone bum a cigarette or recommending a product or person to someone you met on the subway.

At a minimum if you meet someone, and don’t get their info but you are likely to see them again at least remember their name so you can strike up a conversation when you see them again.

Environment is key

Join clubs, go to specialty venues, conferences related to your interests, goals, or industry. If you looking for farmers go to the farmers market not the grocery store. If your looking for high end clients don’t go to McDonalds, this is even more important for business.

Bottom line

What is your networking goal? Where will those people hang out? Now go there and Strike up a conversation. If there is events or classes that are applicable go there first as it will be easier to meet people under those situations. Then if you meet someone set up another meet up or something and just try to stay in contact and maintain a relationship. Now I will say that it sounds easy on paper, but the reason i say go to classes or events more so then just going to stores is that if you go to a store built around your hobby or where the people like you go, they are less likely to able to take time to just talk they are probably busy and have other errands to run. People going to events plan to be there for a longer time frame and are more in the proper mind set.

A side note for employees and job seekers

This all still applies to you. You are not hired by a company, you are being hired by a person. If the person doesn’t like you your not getting hired. All opportunity flows through people, being able to network as an employee is just as important as it is for business owners.

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We need to become wolves again

Wolves are all around us. The Military (and Intelligence agencies), Law Enforcement, Cartels (and other criminals) and large private organizations are all fighting each other as well as preying on the civilian population. This is the game that they all play and everyone is a part of it whether they want to be or not and the stakes are high and are getting higher. Civilization or what people see as civilized society, is just a facade and its collapsing. We will soon be in a place where we have to watch over our own communities and not rely on third parties for that task. If you don’t have warriors around you, your not gonna make it through.

We must become once again a warrior race, something many of us haven’t in generations. And why can’t you? Because you never went to basic training? Nobody gave you a badge or a uniform? That is very much beside the point.

~ Clay Martin @wayofftheres

The majority of the world are sheep. The NPCs, the random characters from the city streets of GTA, the civilians who don’t even know the game is being played often times just out side their perceived world. The ones that don’t know the house down the street is drug house or that they just walked into a mob bar and disrespected the hostess. They either don’t under stand how dangerous the real world is because of their sheltering within “civilization” or they willfully ignore the game entirely. They outsource to and rely on a third party for their protection and security. Most of which have no intention of protecting them when the shit really hits the fan. The sheep will always be targeted, oftentimes victimized, and sometimes caught up in the crossfire as collateral damage resulting in their remaining time in the game much more difficult, or ending it entirely.

“Military, cops, cartels and prepared citizens are all in the game and if you are not you are the target”

~Ed Calderone @manifestoradiopodcast

Many of us have all been consumed by social media, tv, video games or one of the other forms of bread and circus for far to long and that needs to change. Many need to wake up to the fact that no one is coming to save you. If the police force was going to save you which is debatable at this point, See our article HERE, they are not going to now. Their staffing is in the toilet and the good ones are gone or leaving.

There are civilians that understand the game is being played and conduct them selves as such, by preparing the best they know how. Whether or not they are actively playing, they know the game is being played, they have evaluated their situation and judged what level of threat they face and understand that the could be thrust into the game at any moment. Though they typically focus too heavily on buying things when what they really need to do is….

Becoming wolves again

You have to be a sheepdog Ed watch out for the flock….Sheepdogs get eaten where I am from, you want to be a coyote or a wolf.

~Ed Calderone

While coyotes are sly like the fox, seen as the tricksters, and they will survive, they are never honored by warriors but are more respectable than most other metaphors, though they will never be top of the food chain. So what does that leave?…….. Wolves

Why not bears, tigers, lions or any of the many animals often associated with warriors? While some of them have warrior qualities, most of them still perform in the circus. Few of them have tribes or pack, and most of them have qualities that are left unexamined.

Bears are brutes but they are primarily scavengers and loners. All big cats except the lions are loners and are more likely to run than fight. Lions have a pride but the males sit around waiting for the females to do the hunting. Thats why the lioness is popular metaphor for female warriors.

Men with a taste or talent for violence who want to be “good guys” often refer to themselves as sheepdogs, sheepdogs have a deep love for and fights to protect sheep defined as as healthy productive citizens with no capacity for violence. From the wolves who have a capacity for violence but no empathy for their fellow citizens. What is a sheepdog if not a domesticated wolf  who as the result of his breeding training and conditioning does exactly what he is told. A sheep dog is a pet a sheepdog has a master his master owns him. The sheepdogs master is not the sheep. His master uses the sheepdog to control the sheep. Who are his assets with which he hill do as he pleases. One wonders if theses so called sheepdogs will ever wake up screaming knowing they aided in the slaughter of their charges or if they will simply block it out and move on barking the wolves are coming perhaps then a sheepdog isn’t such a noble thing to be after all.

~Jack Donovan @ph2t3r

That brings us back to the wolves

Why insult yourself or your tribe by associating them with domesticated pets. Why fight like a sheep dog when you can fight like a wolf. Men need to become the wolves of their tribes again. Our tribes need to raise wolf pups again, because the other wolves are all circling and moving in for the kill.

The empire likes to show wolves as evil, dangerous, violent, typically the villain characters of children’s stories targeting the weak and defenseless. However while wolves were feared they were also revered by the northern tribes.

You don’t see wolves performing in the circus. Wolves are the kings of the north. Wolves protect their own even from other wolves. They live in a pack, work in a pack and hunt as a pack. Up and hunting year round they don’t take a season long nap. They take care of their own including their elders. Being fierce predators no matter the sex there is not an animal in their kingdom that they cannot take down.

The men of tribes have always passed down the warrior skills to their sons. This is the natural way of things. Every man is a warrior for the tribe even though it was not their primary profession.

Professional armies are a more modern invention that sprouts up as people grow soft from the convince of civilization and grow farther and farther from having to survive on their own.

Becoming a wolf will be a journey, take it one step at a time, you just have to prioritize it. Get fit, take classes, learn the skills a little bit at a time in between your other responsibilities. We cover a wide range of info in our paid section Barbarian Tradecraft that will get you started and help guide you to the right topics, information, and experts to search out and learn from.

The longer you wait the more you will have to learn on the fly and the less likely you will be to succeed. Then start teaching your children. Sons and daughters. While they have rarely been the primary warriors there has always been shield maidens and female warriors throughout history. Your wife and daughters should know how to defend them selves and protect their families just as much as the fathers and sons, even if ideally it would be a last resort for them.

Will you become a wolf

There are groups out there that want no other end than your extermination or enslavement. The age old battle of good and evil is making its way back into the foreground for everyone and which side is which is not clear for most people. The facade of civilization is collapsing, and the realities of the world are making their way back into everyones lives. Those who do not want to become prey will need to become wolves. The first step is step is simple decide not to be the victim and become the wolf if you don’t…..

You will not survive here. You are not a wolf, and this is a land of wolves now.

~Alejandro – Sicario

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Barbarian War Bands

Your tribe needs a war band, your raiders. Back in the day empires and tribes would raid each other for resources, now your war band needs to do business. It is not uncommon for homesteaders to want to sell eggs, or vegetables, or other products that the homestead produces. While there is nothing wrong with this, you are not going to be able to sell enough to make ends meet in this day and age. It can certainly be part of your tribes income if you or some members wen the homesteading route, (which I think we all need to even if its only for producing your own food. Anything you can make your self frees up capital for other things.

But if you ignore the digital landscape and all the business opportunities that it can offer, your not setting your self up for success. There is so many different products and business models that you can set up online that require very little input once they get going that they can make money for you while you do other things. This is called passive income, and while its never truly passive, you can get money coming in from relatively low amounts of work allowing you to have other time to make more money in other ways.

When you have multiple people doing this you multiply the income streams and thus the potential income for your tribe. This is where the War band comes in

War band vs your brotherhood

While your brotherhood should be more exclusive, your war band need not be. There were shield maidens in the past and now there is women in business now. Your brothers can certainly be in your war band, and if they are business minded they should be but other members of your tribe can participate as well even the children. As long as they are in the tribe, and business minded, or even if they are not but they are bringing in significant income for the tribe. They can and should be in this group. They could be a lawyer but work for a firm instead of their own. It doesn’t mean they can’t be you or your tribes lawyer. Specialist such as this could and should be part of your tribes war band if you have have members like that. They might be able to contribute important information to your bands projects you other wise would have to go outside the tribe for. Think CPA’s, bookkeeping, tax professionals, lawyers, engineers etc.

A rising tide lifts all ships

Pooling your resources with your tribe isn’t just for paying the bills, taking shifts in the garden or with the kids for schooling. Get your entrepreneurs together, brainstorm, come up with products, content idea, business ideas, figure out how you can help each others business and where you can collaborate.

Have extra eggs? Sell them, same goes for vegetables, or even ornamental plants your homestead might be growing. Let the kids work the stand instead of a lemonade stand. Or maybe you have a digital marketer, let him market your other businesses online. Or maybe you have content creators, Help them get content created or find ways that they can collaborate. Cross market each other products in each others store, digital or brick and mortar. This is how wealthy families got wealthy. They knew the whole family had to be participating and it couldn’t hurt them but only help them as a whole to help everyone get prospering. In your case your tribe might not be family exclusive but the concept is the same.


Remember the overall goal of bettering your tribe, and don’t let it ruin your relationships. If something is not going to work let it go and move on to the next project. Offer opinions when asked and when its in your wheel house, but don;t try to tell others how to run their projects. Golden rule applies within your tribe. In fact its the only place that its still safe to abide by it.

Just like doing business with anyone outside the tribe, talk to an expert on structures, laws, regulations, taxes etc. and make sure everyone is on the same page when it come to goals and expectations. If you take care of this up front, it will save you lots of headaches later on. If they are both tribe members and in your war band it should be because you know them and they are hard workers and business minded. This is already two big hurtles that cause problems but that does not mean that there is not going to be head bumping. It is inevitable whether your working with friends family or strangers.

Its not that complicated

This can all be as simple as just knowing what everyone is doing so that you can refer people to them as the opportunity arrises or seeing if any tribe members need a job before hiring outside. Only in recent times has it been deemed immoral but society to help those you know when it comes to business or job opportunities and most cultures still will take care of their own before outsiders. As long as they are qualified and nothing is illegal then why would you hire someone you don’t know over some one you do or is vouched for by someone you know.

Now get out there and bring home that plunder for your tribe.

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Becoming a barbarian

Looking back I have been a barbarian from birth, at least in part. Up until my parents divorce I was home schooled and lived rurally, after that I had to start my journey through the system from the second grade on but I never truly fit it, though I was good at blending in. Never the outcast but never the popular kid, I was never big on having a bunch of sub par friends and the things that were important to the kids around me were never important to me. Now I realize that those of us that were in this position in school were naturally though unconsciously fighting the programming.

I didn’t care about dances, or school politics, events, or grades. What I wanted to learn was either dismissed as false, not taught in schools to begin with, or was systematically being removed from the curriculum. Zero tolerance for fighting was being rolled out and you were no longer allowed to defend your self. Cell phones were just becoming smart at the end of my high school career and people were still able to be social in person with out some digital interface. Things you sometimes don’t pay attention to or understand when your in them but click all at once later in life when your looking back on it. It was the pivot point for the education system the tail end of what could be considered a normal educational experience, at least compared to now.

Becoming a barbarian

This continued after high school, While everyone prioritized drinking and partying, or SATs and college, depending on the person, I prioritized fitness, and practical education. I went straight to EMT school and joined a fire department as a volunteer while I was getting a tattoo removed that was to low on my arm so that I could join the military. The rules kept changing and I ultimately just stayed at the fire department and went for law enforcement when I became the right age.

While I was at the Fire department the majority of the other guys at least cared about fitness but they were all still overly obsessed with sports and other trappings of the system that I couldn’t care less about. So just like high school I was never fully in the group. Just like school I always had a couple people I could call friends at any one time that did have some similar interests. Even then I knew a lot of people and could get along with most groups, but I was never really a part of any of them.

This was unique position to be in. Many feel comfortable talking to you or around you and forget to mind their tongue. They will talk shit or gossip like they would normally but you get to see all sides. A will talk to C behind B’s back and then talk shit about C to D. You get a front row seat to how fake and disloyal 99 percent of the population is. This is hard lesson learned at a young age but a valuable one as you get older.

Loyalty is a very rare commodity

This continued through my adult life and while most people would call that a loss, I do not. It is why it was made blatantly obvious to me that the “brotherhood” at my fire department was a bull shit. The same lesson and learned the same way that learned at the police department as well. Though the police department was worse. The fire department at least showed up with lip service when some one died or was killed. At the police department, there was a line of duty death shortly before I arrived. One detective was trying to do something nice for the kids that he left behind and the other officers couldn’t be bothered to help out with either their time or some money.

Most people classify people as friends that have no business being called that. They do this out of a superficial desire/need to be liked and included. I am not saying that I don’t have that need too though I am not going to change who I am at my core just to be part of some group. I would rather be on my own than around fake people.

Moving on

Once I Turned 21 I left the fire department, and never heard from any of them again. I went to police academy and got my biggest taste of pseudo brotherhood I had experienced. The whole class clicked and meshed extremely fast and it was a great year. I then graduated and moved across the country for a job. Never to hear from most of them again despite reaching out. Hence pseudo brotherhood, though there was two that did keep in touch and one I have mentioned before who is still in law enforcement. The other Like me is not. They are two of the few people I call friends.

My time in law enforcement was short

It was rough start from the jump, I showed up day one and no one that needed to know knew I was coming. They had no gear for me not training officer for me nothing. They didn’t know what version of the computer system I would end up using so I had to learn two of everything in a shortened amount of time. Before even getting assigned to a trainer.

My first field training officer was on the way out, over weight, sloppy, hadn’t upgraded his uniform in 10 years, of course I didn’t even have one yet at this point. He slept in the passenger seat more nights then he was awake and I ultimately didn’t learn anything. Then came phase two where I was supposed to know everything and didn’t as well as some of my academy training not meshing with the new department mainly arrest control (handcuffing techniques) yet no one was willing to teach me how their department Wanted it.

It was around this stage that my health problems cropped up and I was forced to resign. Though that would be a saving grace later. After the department tv shows, and multiple scandals hitting the department, I was glad to have dodged the bullet.


The end of my short law enforcement carrier was the mark of the beginning of learning about the health care system. I was told I had an auto immune disease that was causing issues that needed surgery. So I had the initial surgery, and then was told I needed to go to a specialist to fix auto immune issue before they could do the second surgery. The specialist told me I needed to have the second surgery before I could Fix the Immune issue.

This last 18 months back and forth when the second surgery was supposed to have been done no more than 3 months later. After which time I found my Functional MD who changed my diet for 6 months reversed the actual issue which was not the issue the hospitals said I had.

I went to a new hospital to get the second surgery done and their testing showed that I had none of the issues the original hospital said that I did. In fact I later learned the original hospital gave test prep advice that made the situation appear worse then It was on testing results. This was the point that I swore off the medical system, at least in respect to general health and minor illness/ injury. Major trauma is the only thing that the medical system seems to do well.

Then came 2019

We all know what happened then, This was a defining time where I was thrown into becoming a barbarian. I was out cast by most of my so called family. Though I cannot look at it completely in a bad light. I showed who my true family was, I know understand the rest were only relatives. I found many of the “light bulb moment” books and individuals that have been game changers for me. This time shaped my current views of law enforcement, and did not help my views of the medical system. It revitalized my interest in homesteading and entrepreneurship out of a feeling of need and not just desire and It brought me back more fully to spirituality.

Though I currently find my self in a kind of purgatory. Stuck in progress waiting for things out side of my control to fall into place. My plans and path for the future are more refined and and inline then I think they have ever been. This is where you find this writing, at the calm before the storm. Hopefully you will come along for the ride and learn with me as we go.

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A Barbarian Brotherhood

When you hear brotherhood you might think Templars, Assassins creed, freemasons, fraternities, biker clubs, the fire departments, law enforcement or the military to name a few. Though I don’t believe that brotherhood is being fostered by the members or allowed anymore by the higher ups in most fire departments and law enforcement agencies or most of the military. The only exception might be special operations units to some degree, specifically 75th Rangers and units from the Marine corps based on talking to and listening to members of both.

Brotherhood is more than just having a male friend, or even a few of them. It is about having men in your life that care about each other and are willing to have each others back. Who you are willing to put before your self if the need arises. It requires a commitment, to show up, and put in work with or to help the men in your group.

Brotherhood also requires honor, in short, you and your brothers will have to figure out what honor means to you, what your code is and what constitutes fallowing it. This honor code should be one part of the set of rules that govern your brotherhood, following them is honorable, the more you follow the more honorable you are and if you break them you dishonor the group.

Brothers will need to know that the men beside you are going to have your back and are not going to turn and run, they also need to know the same about you. You will need to be able to count on them in times of crisis. In order to be successful you will want the other men to prove they are committed to theIr brothers.

Brotherhood begins as an alliance between men against all external forces. This oath be it formal or informal spoken or unspoken is the most sacred aspect of the brotherhood. The oath of brotherhood creates a voluntary kinship a sense of collective identity a foundation of trust. The oath of brotherhood is what holds everything together and without it or when it has been irreparable corrupted by conniving and betrayal the brotherhood will inevitably fall apart.

~ Jack Donovan

Now that we have recapped what brotherhood is a relationship sense from our last article lets talk about the structure of A brotherhood.

Building your brotherhood

Now I cannot tell you what will work and what doesn’t as This is still a work in progress for me, and in reality what works for me might not work for you. You might have a large pool of friends to start from already, while others may have to build from zero. Some groups will just grown naturally and other you will have to claw and fight to get them built and staying together for reasons that are to numerous to list.

What I can do is layout a basic strategy that I am currently trying to follow as well as some wisdom and philosophy from others and wish you the best.

The basic out line will in many ways will be the same As building a tribe. The only difference is that you would add a men only requirement for your brotherhood. I mention this first as well because if your starting from scratch, a brotherhood would be a an easier thing to build than a tribe if for no other reason than size. And once that brotherhood is built or coming together, by bringing the families together a tribe can naturally grow out of the brotherhood.


I have covered before that I have higher standards than most when it comes my relationships. As I think you should as well I understand that some wont. You could be looking for just a super tight group thats just a step above friends. That is fine, I would classify that as the lowend of brotherhood, and for some that just may be where you want to start and build on.

My thoughts on a brotherhood are more structured and on the high end. A group that fosters bonds and relationships closer to family than to friends. To that end some of whats to come may apply to you and  some may not, take what you like leave the rest. Grow your brotherhood how you and your brothers see fit. Some things may grow out of your group naturally and some may never come up.

You don’t need a formal group with tax documentation to be a brotherhood, you don’t need membership roster or president, or rank structures etc. you need face time and bonding. The rest can come later or will come naturally depending on how organized you want to get.

Whats important is that you start strengthening your in person relationships And help each other grow. Everything else is just gravy.

Create proximity

your friends on Facebook are going to be useless if a crisis strikes near you. Even if it only affects you such as a family member dying, your boys showing up in person are going to make a much bigger impact than some likes, and well wishes on Facebook.

Find men who are geographically close to you, or focus on your local friends you already have. If this is not an option consider moving to their location or them to yours. This can be amplified by moving into the same neighborhood or apartment building. Being close create familiarity and a shared Identity which will help create your us.

This can be done online but only to a point. The internet is great tool for finding people if you don’t have a group to start from and group chats are great for keeping every one in touch, but you NEED to do things together you need to build that trust.

Make a regular occasion to grab a couple beers, smoke some cigars, play poker. These are great for socializing and are a great start to get to know each other a bit or to throw in once in a while to unwind but you need to learn how each other operate. Go to the range, train together, take a martial arts class or seminar, go hunting, play paintball, go to the gym, something, anything that teaches you a skill or improves yourself and each other.

You need to get together in person. Other wise you can’t truly hold each other accountable. If you never see someone in person, you can hide the fact that you are not putting in the work and you can ignore more effectively any attempts to push you To keep going. Now to go to a darker place for a moment to drive the importance home, what happens if one of your brothers is suicidal?  How are you going to pull that gun out of their hand if you are not near by.

This is perhaps one of the most important aspects of a brotherhood. Too much time is spent online as it is for most people. We need to change that. There are many online “brotherhoods” and they are well meaning but despite what the public has been sold, you will never be able to substitute in person relationships with online relationships.


Your group needs to have a mission, goal or specified purpose. Something that the members work together to further the efforts of, or attempt to achieve. Such as combat effectiveness for the military units, or religious efforts for the religious orders. This could be simply self improvement, or building a grou homestead for your families.

Shared identity and view

Many factors come into play for this but they can come from a shared family background, shared profession, and shared or similar religious beliefs to name a few. In short because it should be fairly obvious, the members have to have similarities. Some foundation to build future bonds on. This is part of what makes your “us”.


Groups need a selection process. Whether its open enrollment and then they test the applicants, or they actively go out and recruit specific people. There would be a process of choosing the potential members so that they have the best chance of fitting into the group, culture or mission of the group.

If your goal is to get you all homesteads then someone who doesn’t want to move out of the city is not a good match. Not everyone will be. Being selective about your members will give your group the best chance of success. Not everyone wants to rise some people just want to stay where they are.


Fucking new guys for those that don’t know, is a term for new members to a group. Coined in the military and it then filtered out to other groups as veterans left the military. They are the newbies, that don’t know the rules, or how to do their jobs yet. Most structured groups have these. They are the rookies, or probies, rushes, prospects and so one. They reference members who have passed selection and are now on a trial basis within the group, partial members you might say. Most groups can expel these members more easily than full members and they are not privy to all info or benefits of the brotherhood yet. Now they have to earn that full membership. Usually after a list of required tasks and a vote for approval by the current full members.


They are all going to have a code, or rules for how the members conduct themselves. This is how the members know when a member is being honorable or not. The FNGs have to now learn and abide by the code in order to be eligible to move up to full brother. Your codes are going to stem from your groups views, and its mission or goals.

Fighting, danger, and suffering

Most of these groups involve fighting, combat or danger of some kind. Now while this is not necessary, bonds forged over fighting and gander can be stronger than those not if for no other reasons that their is consequences if you fail your brothers. Now depending on how this is approached legality becomes an issue so don’t break any laws. However this can be added to your group simply by going to a martial arts school as a group, the more practical the style the better, and ideally one that spars regularly.

Many people love the movies where bonds are forged through tough times, such as war, disaster, a heist and being hunted by the police, take your pick depending on your preferred flavor of cinematic entertainment. This is due to the nature of hard times and suffering. It presents those opportunities for individuals to step up and really help there tribe, their brothers, or their family, or even the guy down the street. There is consequences for failure and the stakes are high. This is part of why I believe that First Responder organizations and the military used to have that brotherhood.

It goes back to the “they will cross the country for your funeral”. The higher the stakes or the greater the suffering, the more likely someone might step up. So what happens when you live in a decadent society where people pretend to care about everyone, making it impossible to care about anyone? You get most people living in a situation where they won’t experience true suffering, and won’t have the chance presented for them to step up in those major events or if they do its once in a life time.

So what do you do about it? Make yourself and your group suffer, do a 20 mile ruck march, go run a spartan race or a go ruck even, do something that strains you all as individuals and separately so that you can pull together to help each other finish, it won’t be anything close to what its like in combat, but its as close as you might get artificially.


Brotherhoods are going to have symbols, rituals, traditions, inside jokes or routines. They all are going to have an oath of some kind. This all helps form their shared identity and sense of belonging to the group, especially for those that had fewer commonalities with the group to begin with. These are based on history of the group, their mission, former members especially those that were heros for their group and so on. This could be anything from swearing an oath to join the group, to holidays from the groups history, or routines for opening and closing meetings.

Your just playing around

Now I have often heard reluctance to starting a more formal brotherhood. This usually revolves around “your just making stuff up” “your larping” “your just playing games” etc. But really think about it, everything in this world was made up at some point. Every group we have talked about wasn’t created with the world, they didn’t discover biker clubs in some temple some where. Someone came along built it and gave it name. Some things grow organically out specific situation such as friend groups out of a class, or a religious order out of a specific mission from the church, but someone put a name to it, making it up. You might be building it from scratch for a specific mission or goal or you may just be putting a name to something thats already there formalizing it Either way get over your self if your having this thought and if you not don’t let the haters detract from what you are trying to do. They will be sitting at home alone watching Netflix while you have a group of brothers out there conquering.

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Barbarian law enforcement: Conclusion & thoughts on reform

Society as a whole has become so crooked and degenerate that good people in general are no where to be found at this point. At least from how I see it, Let alone good people that are capable of doing the job. This according to some forces law enforcement to lower standards to reach recruitment goals which then lowers the quality and even less good people want to be a part of it and the cycle spins down the shitter.

While this is the excuse they use, and it may be true to a point, I also think that people who would be good at law enforcement both don’t want to do the job, and are not typically hired by departments in the first place. The general problems are not the fault of the individual officers except maybe those in the command staff, but by joining and becoming part of that system and machine you make it your fault, especially if you know about it going in. Most jobs, law enforcement included want good little foot soldiers who follow orders and don’t make waves. People who they think are going to challenge things that they don’t want challenged are not going to make it through the hiring process, typically. You can get the hint based on the questions asked by oral boards and the entrance exams.

Also evident by the departments requirements for college. The requirement goes any where from 2-4 or more years of indoctrination typically and If they cared about anything other than the indoctrination they wouldn’t accept just any 4 year degree or any two year degree. Some do give preferences to certain degrees, but specific degrees are by no means a requirement for most places. The college degree just ensures that you have had 4 more years on obedience in the systems and most likely taken on enough debt that you will not risk loosing your job.

What are the solutions?

In short, It needs to be made that law enforcement answers to the citizens and not the state or the politicians in charge at the time. There needs to be personal reasonability on the cops when they do something wrong whether following orders or not and Laws need to be enforced in a way that errs on the side of individual liberty at all times.

Any solution is going to have two versions. The ideal one that works perfectly in the ideal world, and the real world realistic one that works with what you have at hand. The ideal solution might be a great long term goal keeping in mind the world is not ideal and never will be but the realistic solution is what you usually need to do, in order take the first steps towards it.

Many think the ideal solution is that law enforcement as we know it should be completely disbanded and a private option brought in to replace it. While there are some arguments to be made for privatization that have been proven in most sectors that it has been tried this will likely not be a palatable option for most people any time soon. Also to be fair it should be noted that private prisons have not been a shining example of what private law enforcement could be.

Now I am from the point of view that the problems in law enforcement are not fixable in their current state because its how the system is built. So I would be interested in some options of privatizing the justice system, however realistically the first steps are going to be taken within the system thats here.

Start right now and protect yourself

Learn the law. Criminal law, case law, and your rights then find a good lawyer that has a similar mindset, morals, and point of view as you. You need to train to defend your self in this arena just like you would nay other.

Goals to work for

Now as long as law enforcement serves the legislator/ the state and has no obligations to the citizens (Article here) it is nothing more than a political weapon to be utilized by the politicians against the people. The only possible exception is Sheriff Departments, but ONLY the ones where the Sheriff is elected because theoretically he answers to the people. This also implies that elections are un-corrupted and no campaign money has expectations on it but I am trying to be fair here.

The elected sheriff set up would be a great first start if you believe a state-esk solution is required and that no private sector option would work. Many would have to push for the disbandment of municipal police departments, and changes made to legislation already on the books, and possibly state and local constitutions.

Theoretically the results would be the legislator can make the laws, and the citizen bound sheriff’s department decides if they are appropriate to enforce or not precedent has somewhat been set on this as it is in regards to immigration and gun laws. Any way the legislator could punish the sheriff department themselves would have to be heavily reduced. No slashing their budgets, or firing authority etc. No way to force their hands into enforcing laws that should not be enforced. This would be easy locally at first as most sheriffs are a jurisdiction above the city and therefore the city cannot touch them however protections would need to be put in place at any county and state and federal level.

A responsibility now falls on the citizens as they have to be able to do some of those things in order to keep them in check themselves beyond just voting.

Cops = Citizens

One such option which really could and should be changed either way is that cops no longer get special treatment by the law. As long as cops are aloud to look at them selves as a separate class and no longer one of the citizens the problems will continue to get worse because they will never be effected by the laws they enforce. This was made glaringly visible during the pandemic as police unions would lobby and fight for their officers freedoms but not of the citizens.

No more exceptions, loopholes or extra protections. If something is illegal to posses they cannot posses it either with the only exception being collection of evidence. That means if certain equipment or tools or weapons are illegal then the cops don’t get them either. As well they need to be held to a higher standard to the same laws the civilians are. No more plea deals, or lighter sentences for crimes just because they are cops. The threat of being put in the cell next to those they arrest and for a longer sentence should be a reminder to not cross those lines.

Law Changes

No more laws to make their job easier. Its not the citizens job to give up their rights to make law enforcement easy. Citizens have inherent rights for a reason, other wise they would be called privileges.

No more victimless laws. If the only victim is the state, then its nots a crime its extortion.

No more qualified immunity, This should go for any government employee but cops specifically should know whether or not they are violating the rights of the people. And if they are suspected of it it should get sorted out in court like any other crime. If they are innocent or the case has no standing they should trust in the same system that they are sending people through to work it out.

No more plea deals. Plea deals as well as strategic lying on the side of the prosecutors, is used to force people through the system and not go to trial. Many innocent people have pled guilty on advice from lawyers to not “risk” trial. If there is not enough evidence to go to trial then the case should not be moving forward anyway.

Personal Responsibly

Cops need to be held personally responsible for their actions. In addition to no qualified immunity, No more shrugging any law suit responsibilities onto the department where the financial burden comes out of tax money. The citizens are essentially just getting a refund when they are abused in a way even the system cant justify.

Just like doctors and many other professions have to already, cops should have to carry their own insurance. When/if they commit so much wrong doing that their insurance is to expensive or they wont cover them any more then they have to figure it out or find a new profession.


Cops have been separated from the citizens through special privileges, and protections for too long and it only gets worse as time goes on. As long as the general population stays fat, lazy, and unaware of the threats in the real world we will always need designated protectors/peace keepers but when they don’t have to answer to the citizens they supposedly serve, they fall into becoming a tool of tyranny wielded by who ever is in charge. Used to harass and extort money out of the citizens to boost the governments budgets.

This is not all the options on the table, and the changes above would not totally “fix” law enforcement but I don’t believe you can totally fix law enforcement as we know it today but these steps would be a good step in the right direction. Shifting the scales back toward the individual for both freedom but also the responsibility that comes with it.


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Barbarians and law enforcement :So what cops only deal with criminals

Based on some of the examples I have shown through this series of ordinary people that that either did very little wrong or nothing, and still had their lives at best turned upside down, by law enforcement if not out right destroyed. You shouldn’t even be making this argument at this point. However lets forget even that those cases for a moment.

What if tomorrow you are a criminal?

According to lawyer Harvey A. Silverglate, author of Three Felonies a Day. There is so many laws just at the federal level that you, as an average American citizen commit three felonies a day. But lets say you are not average and you some how know the federal, state and municipal laws and regulations so well that you never make a mistake.

What if your city state or the federal government tomorrow decides that you are a criminal. Thats how passing new laws works. One day something is legal and the next its not. Something you do everyday that is legal could now not be.

They could instill a curfew, outlaw 100% of abortions, ban homeschooling, enforce federal marijuana laws, how about ownership of non electric vehicles, California already has done it with small engines. Maybe they ban alcohol again, Who knows it really could be anything and it doesn’t matter how trivial.

Don’t think its possible the government can label who ever they want a criminal with a stroke of the pen? Then why is that the favorite argument that both sides likes to use when the other tries to pass a law that they don’t agree with.

Now even worse, what if they are innocent and treated this way?

How many people in the news lately have you seen where the victims are ones getting arrested. Homeowners calling the police on squatters who then get arrested themselves. Store owners defending them selves or trying to stop shop lifters. People defending them selves against home invasions. They more and more wind up sitting in the cells next to the criminals who attacked them, if the criminals who attack them even have to stay in jail.

Then everyone always blames the legislator or the Government as a whole and they always jump right over the cops even though by definition are part of the government.

So ask your self would the legislators or government be able to do any of this with out their merry band of enforcers? Why do they not have any responsibility if they enforce things that unlawful, or unconstitutional? Why do they never have to answer to the citizens that they supposedly serve?

Now what about crimes where there are no victims?

Like Seat belt laws, If you break it who does it hurt? No one, other than yourself IF you get in an accident. (Personal responsibility) The only possible worthwhile justification I can see would be for passengers under 16/18/21 years old. What ever your jurisdiction considers an adult/legal driver such as children.

Helmet laws……Read seat belt laws

Tint Laws (Or really any vehicle modification law) What person dies because you darken your cars windows, are people dropping dead on the side walk as you pass by with tinted windows? How about lifts? Bigger tires? Body kits? How about fuel system chips? Air intakes? All are illegal in one jurisdiction or another and none them effect anyone. Not even the driver of the car so they cant even justify the for your own good argument.

The justification for any victimless crime is that it prevents something else from happening. Speed limits stop accidents, prostitution laws stop drug use and other crimes and so forth. but if that were the case then, cops would be unnecessary at this point no?

Prostitution is illegal in most jurisdictions so there must be no prostitution right? No one speeds or modifies their car? Surly everyone must drive with a seat belt right? Or is it possible that they knew a large portion of a population would continue the behaviors even though they are illegal and figured they could make money off it? punishment by fine = legal for fee as most victimless crimes are, but don’t think you might not get killed over it none the less.

Most victimless crimes stem from either misguided thoughts that they will stop the behavior or some other allegedly connected behavior, from one group trying to impose their world views on the rest of the population, or from the simple goal of fund generation (extortion).

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A barbarian’s issues with law enforcement : No longer innocent until proven guilty

People still believe that you are innocent until proven guilty. As it its written that might be the case, but with the court of public opinion and never changing data bases, that is no longer the case. Just the act of getting arrested and in many jurisdictions you are guilty for ever.

While not specifically a problem with cops they do not take this into account when they take any action towards a citizen such as an arrest. If you have a legitimate defense you may make it out of your initial appearance with a dismissal but the damage may have already been done. Just another example of the lack of responsibility and caring for the citizens that they supposedly serve.

Simply getting arrested even if not charged can and will ruin your life. At the time of your arrest police PR teams and media will blanket the airwaves with everything the first day and nothing you can release after that will ever take it back in order to undo for what they did.

Even if your case is dismissed early on and there is no charge or sentence on your record the arrest will always stay there. Even if you take it all the way to court and get an acquittal with record expunging the arrest will often stay on your record which will still cause many problems.

The Eddie Gallagher case is a great example of what damage can be done to your reputation simply by an arrest and a less than clean justice system. Though it did take place in the military justice system, the damage to his reputation and his families as well was far from contained to military life.

They enforce the law no mater what is is and follow orders even if it is not the law

They enforce the law no matter what it is, the will shrug off any question to the constitutionality of the law they are enforcing because their is no responsibility on their part, and will fallow the orders given to them because their paycheck depends on it. “Take it up with your legislator” will often be their response.

For instance much of what you are seeing at the southern border is being allowed by federal law enforcement just following orders. Much of the “bad cops” you saw during covid, tazing mothers in parks for not wearing masks and the like was all being done following orders. Even though there was no law on the books and only a decision by the mayor of the cities. This takes them out of even the role of law enforcement where at least some process was taken to passing the rules they enforce and into the realm of a tyrants gun thug.

“I have a family i got bills” is an often used justification as if no one else has bills or family. I wonder how their family would feel if they knew what they were doing in their name? When they enforce a law that infringes on rights, or follows an order to arrest people for going to church, or watching their kids soccer game with out a mask on, or surfing in the ocean alone?

Cops have long been just another gang, some even joke about it. Their uniform is their colors, the only difference is they are sanctioned by the government.  They might swear an oath to the constitution but when it comes down to it they enforce what ever law is on the books and pass the buck with a bullshit justification, ” my job is to enforce the law not interpret it, if you don’t like take up with your representatives.” But if the legislature passes laws that are unjust and or unconstitutional, and the cops aren’t deciding if enforcing those laws is breaking their oath then who is?

The men of Reserve Police Battalion 101, were just following orders In Germany during WW2. They were the first ones to execute jewish people under hitlers regime.

See where just following orders can get you?

Check out this article for more information.

You cannot resist or you will be injured or killed

Both the citizens and cops alike love to throw out “just comply and you wont get hurt”. How many times have you seen that in the comments section of social media where the cops kill someone. Even in ones where the crime would never warrant the death penalty. Even when the person follows the commands the cop gives them and they still get Killed. How about when the cops go to the wrong house and kick the door in in the middle of the night. Should homeowner’s just comply with all home invasions on the off chance that its the cops kicking in your door?

Now does “do what we say and you wont get hurt” really sound like something that someone who supposed to be helping your community should be saying? No, that is something that hostage takers say when they are holding you at gun point. Are citizens hostages now?

Unfortunately many would argue yes, and have made some good points.

Cops target people unrelated to a suspects actions

Asset forfeiture is used in a variety of ways based on your jurisdiction, ranging from anti drug operations and seizing vehicles and properties used in the commission of those crimes or as a punishment for DUI where they seize and auction off the drivers vehicle if they are found to be driving under the influence. In some jurisdictions this is done without any hearings or representation to fight it.

Where this gets worse is when the cops target people unrelated to the crime, but connected to their suspect in an attempt to stick it to the suspect. Should cops target and confiscate the home of the mother of a drug dealer because a bill was paid for by said drug dealer? Does this stick it to the drug dealer? Does this improve the image of law enforcement in the public’s eyes? Or just ruin peoples life who are just trying to survive.

Asset forfeiture, while it may have been designed for a good purpose, (debatable) its puts the incentive on police departments to confiscate first and ask questions later,. Often selling off or transferring the property before the person can make any sort of legal defense.

For example this Utah veteran not only had his life savings taken, even after the cop said that nothing the veteran was doing was illegal and never being charged with a crime, They took his money, gave it to the DEA in return for a percentage of the cash, and left him and his kids in the desert With no money.

Cops have the “authority” to and will kill you to enforce any law

Or order they are given, no matter how small. If you don’t think so let me ask you this, what happens if you refuse to submit to them? At what point do the cops walk away and say “what they did is not that bad.” They don’t. Even if the crime is victimless.

They are allowed to raise their force to match and exceed yours until you submit or cant resist any more. This is called the use of force continuum, and it is how all the kinds of use of force are categorized and ranked in legal arguments and for use by law enforcement.

Any of these issues alone is bad but put al together is a catastrophe that makes cops look more like enforcers for a criminal organization than they do public servants. They can arrest you, with only questionable evidence to do so. They can ignore any alibi or defense that you may have even if those defenses are written into the laws as Justifiable defenses. This alone leaves a permanent record. Depending on the alleged crime, they can then possibly seize your assets and property, with no court proceedings, even if you are released with no charges, or you are found innocent later, you assets may be gone or you have to fight an additional court battle to have your property returned.

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