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A barbarian’s issues with law enforcement : No longer innocent until proven guilty

People still believe that you are innocent until proven guilty. As it its written that might be the case, but with the court of public opinion and never changing data bases, that is no longer the case. Just the act of getting arrested and in many jurisdictions you are guilty for ever.

While not specifically a problem with cops they do not take this into account when they take any action towards a citizen such as an arrest. If you have a legitimate defense you may make it out of your initial appearance with a dismissal but the damage may have already been done. Just another example of the lack of responsibility and caring for the citizens that they supposedly serve.

Simply getting arrested even if not charged can and will ruin your life. At the time of your arrest police PR teams and media will blanket the airwaves with everything the first day and nothing you can release after that will ever take it back in order to undo for what they did.

Even if your case is dismissed early on and there is no charge or sentence on your record the arrest will always stay there. Even if you take it all the way to court and get an acquittal with record expunging the arrest will often stay on your record which will still cause many problems.

The Eddie Gallagher case is a great example of what damage can be done to your reputation simply by an arrest and a less than clean justice system. Though it did take place in the military justice system, the damage to his reputation and his families as well was far from contained to military life.

They enforce the law no mater what is is and follow orders even if it is not the law

They enforce the law no matter what it is, the will shrug off any question to the constitutionality of the law they are enforcing because their is no responsibility on their part, and will fallow the orders given to them because their paycheck depends on it. “Take it up with your legislator” will often be their response.

For instance much of what you are seeing at the southern border is being allowed by federal law enforcement just following orders. Much of the “bad cops” you saw during covid, tazing mothers in parks for not wearing masks and the like was all being done following orders. Even though there was no law on the books and only a decision by the mayor of the cities. This takes them out of even the role of law enforcement where at least some process was taken to passing the rules they enforce and into the realm of a tyrants gun thug.

“I have a family i got bills” is an often used justification as if no one else has bills or family. I wonder how their family would feel if they knew what they were doing in their name? When they enforce a law that infringes on rights, or follows an order to arrest people for going to church, or watching their kids soccer game with out a mask on, or surfing in the ocean alone?

Cops have long been just another gang, some even joke about it. Their uniform is their colors, the only difference is they are sanctioned by the government.  They might swear an oath to the constitution but when it comes down to it they enforce what ever law is on the books and pass the buck with a bullshit justification, ” my job is to enforce the law not interpret it, if you don’t like take up with your representatives.” But if the legislature passes laws that are unjust and or unconstitutional, and the cops aren’t deciding if enforcing those laws is breaking their oath then who is?

The men of Reserve Police Battalion 101, were just following orders In Germany during WW2. They were the first ones to execute jewish people under hitlers regime.

See where just following orders can get you?

Check out this article for more information.

You cannot resist or you will be injured or killed

Both the citizens and cops alike love to throw out “just comply and you wont get hurt”. How many times have you seen that in the comments section of social media where the cops kill someone. Even in ones where the crime would never warrant the death penalty. Even when the person follows the commands the cop gives them and they still get Killed. How about when the cops go to the wrong house and kick the door in in the middle of the night. Should homeowner’s just comply with all home invasions on the off chance that its the cops kicking in your door?

Now does “do what we say and you wont get hurt” really sound like something that someone who supposed to be helping your community should be saying? No, that is something that hostage takers say when they are holding you at gun point. Are citizens hostages now?

Unfortunately many would argue yes, and have made some good points.

Cops target people unrelated to a suspects actions

Asset forfeiture is used in a variety of ways based on your jurisdiction, ranging from anti drug operations and seizing vehicles and properties used in the commission of those crimes or as a punishment for DUI where they seize and auction off the drivers vehicle if they are found to be driving under the influence. In some jurisdictions this is done without any hearings or representation to fight it.

Where this gets worse is when the cops target people unrelated to the crime, but connected to their suspect in an attempt to stick it to the suspect. Should cops target and confiscate the home of the mother of a drug dealer because a bill was paid for by said drug dealer? Does this stick it to the drug dealer? Does this improve the image of law enforcement in the public’s eyes? Or just ruin peoples life who are just trying to survive.

Asset forfeiture, while it may have been designed for a good purpose, (debatable) its puts the incentive on police departments to confiscate first and ask questions later,. Often selling off or transferring the property before the person can make any sort of legal defense.

For example this Utah veteran not only had his life savings taken, even after the cop said that nothing the veteran was doing was illegal and never being charged with a crime, They took his money, gave it to the DEA in return for a percentage of the cash, and left him and his kids in the desert With no money.

Cops have the “authority” to and will kill you to enforce any law

Or order they are given, no matter how small. If you don’t think so let me ask you this, what happens if you refuse to submit to them? At what point do the cops walk away and say “what they did is not that bad.” They don’t. Even if the crime is victimless.

They are allowed to raise their force to match and exceed yours until you submit or cant resist any more. This is called the use of force continuum, and it is how all the kinds of use of force are categorized and ranked in legal arguments and for use by law enforcement.

Any of these issues alone is bad but put al together is a catastrophe that makes cops look more like enforcers for a criminal organization than they do public servants. They can arrest you, with only questionable evidence to do so. They can ignore any alibi or defense that you may have even if those defenses are written into the laws as Justifiable defenses. This alone leaves a permanent record. Depending on the alleged crime, they can then possibly seize your assets and property, with no court proceedings, even if you are released with no charges, or you are found innocent later, you assets may be gone or you have to fight an additional court battle to have your property returned.

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