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Barbarian’s issues with law enforcement: An Introduction

My issues with law enforcement are not your typical defund the police activists problems with police, though some might overlap. If nothing else I hope this serves as a realty check for those looking at getting into the profession so that they know what they are signing up for.

Most commentators on law enforcement have had no interaction with or knowledge of police work. Whether they are on the “cops are good and there are only a few bad apples side.” – The people who believe the system works and trust it blindly because they have never had an interaction with it, or work inside it – or they are the people who are running training companies of one kind or another, K9, firearms, etc and they only deal with the “good cops” who by their definition are those that seek out training on their own time.

The same goes for those that blindly talk shit about cops as well. They either have had to many encounters with law enforcement or they sit on the side lines thinking that all violence is wrong and live in the world they think should be and not the one that is. They talk just as much shit about citizens defending themselves as they do about cops.

This is not what I am doing.

Some Background

I grew up in a law enforcement family. I wanted to be part of law enforcement through my entire childhood and young adult life. That was a dream that I in fact accomplished, and then regretted almost immediately. Though a regret that I did not really understand until a few years later as well as the blessing that was me having to leave that dream behind.

Shortly after I made it on to a department I had to resign due to some health issues. A resignation of a dream that I had for the better part of two decades. That resignation became a blessing over the next couple of years, because of events at both that specific department, which I learned was just some in a long list of prior events as well as events on the national level. The years following completely changed my point of view on law enforcement as a whole. Where they used to get the benefit of the doubt now was a complete lack of trust. I used to defend them in debates and now I only defend the individuals I know personally if they deserve it.

Intentions VS Results

I do not want this to be a complete bashing of law enforcement personnel as I do believe that at least some of them do get into the profession with good intentions of protecting their community and helping people. However they could do the same thing by getting a concealed carry permit and going about their every day lives. Looking back I got into it for those reasons, as well looking for some action fighting the bad guys.

I was also looking for a brotherhood. A brotherhood that i was depending on to rebuild my social and support network after moving thousands of miles for the job and ultimately a brotherhood that I did not find and that after talking to many in the profession I now know no longer exists.

Now as we know intentions don’t matter, results do and the road to hell is paved with good intentions. What you think your going to be doing and what you actually will be doing are not always the same thing especially in law enforcement and I like most people learned this the hard way. Only a small percentage actually get to chase the bad guys and handle the true threats to the community, the majority don’t. the majority do more of what looks like harassment than serving the community. This is not entirely their fault but the fault of the justice system as a whole but they are by definition the enforcers for that system.

Strong moral men and families make safe communities, regardless of law enforcement’s existence, and like the founding fathers understood, you also need to protect your community from the state, you cannot do that if you are the enforcer for it.

I don’t know if the profession was always this way or only recently but I know that what people have been saying about law enforcement for decades if it was not true the whole time is becoming true now. That being said I do understand why certain things happen in law enforcement that the general public does not understand, which I will cover in more depth.

I am going to harp on one last point here before we get started. It applies here but is not limited to this topic alone.

Follow Nothing and No One Blindly

If you don’t know them or the incident personally, don’t die on that hill. Doesn’t matter if its cops, celebrities, brands, influencers, or religious institutions. If you don’t have personal experience with it or them never jump in with them 100%

There is only five current or former law enforcement officers that I truly respect, and trust were good when they did the job. I know all but one of them personally and thats the point. One is my father who worked for two different departments and ran an academy. His career culminated in retirement from a gaming regulation agency in the western united states.

One is my step father who retired from two different departments, in two different states. over the course of his life and career he worked special investigations full time swat and air support devision as a pilot.

one is a fellow academy graduate from my class who at the time of this writing had taken over as deputy chief in a sheriffs department in the western united states.

One is my field training officer from the department i was at who i assume is still there or possibly retiring soon I would hope if he hasn’t already. This officer worked as a k9 officer while i was there and was the only officer i have ever seen argue with a person on the call over not infringing on someones rights.

Now the last one is the only one that I don’t know personally, but would not hesitate to meet him. Greg Anderson who chucked his career over doing the right thing during the Pandemic when he released a video calling on his fellow officers at his department and others across the country to make sure that they were doing the right thing, not infringing on the rights of the citizens when following orders. As you can imagine this was not welcomed by the politicians and his superiors and resulted in him loosing his job when he refused to take the video down.

What is Law Enforcement?

Its right there in the name, Law Enforcement. How ever their is a disconnect between what the public thinks that means and their job definition and what they actually do. People have one of two images of law enforcement in their heads, on the side that defends them, they see them as police officers or peace officers. There to protect them and solve their problems, but there is a reason their official title was changed to law enforcement officer.

Then there is the side that has either had run ins with them or that can be objective enough to see them clearly, that they are their to enforce the laws, what ever that law may be, or how right or wrong the law is. This disconnect is why you have the good cop and bad cop arguments, more so then because of dirty cops because that is actually exceedingly rare, at least in the prospective of corruption.

Law enforcement is historically a tool of tyrants, they respond to violence but only that which is unsanctioned by the state. They mainly bring violence upon those who do not comply or obey the regime in charge. They do some things that are good and some of their actions could be seen as good deeds, but a good does not undo a wrong.

I started this article with the intent for it to be one article but consisted of so much that it grew into a multipart series so stay tuned for more to come.

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Nomad Barbarians

Historically most tribes started out nomadic because they followed their main food source around by the seasons. This was a necessity. Now a days it is not a necessity in the survival sense to be a nomad but it is becoming more and more so in an economic sense.

This is how you might survive the criminal life, but this is also how you survive In the current economic environment. You have to be flexible, and able to pivot and move when opportunities present themselves. Now that doesn’t mean have no attachments, don’t get pets or don’t have relationships but it does mean be strategic about it.

“The things you own end up owning you”

~Tyler Durden

The more shit that you own and the more financial burdens you saddle your self with, the more stuck you will be. If you go out and buy a $800k home you will not be able to up and move if your dream job shows up in another city. There is a reason that people like Grant Cardone recommend not buying a house, but exclusively renting, when you are trying to build your self up. Say you get an offer for your dream job but its two states over. If your stuck in a mortgage for an $800k house, you might not be able to take the job and risk getting stuck with that house if you cant sell it for anything other than a loss.

Digital Nomads

Now lots of people choose the fully nomadic life these days, also called being a digital nomad. The increase in technology in recent years has allowed people to work from anywhere making it possible for people to maintain a steady income and move around the world where ever they might want to go, even if they don’t own their own business.

If that doesn’t sound like it’s for you, don’t worry you don’t have to do that to be successful but you can take some lessons from it regardless. Setting your life or business up even partially as a digital nomad has its benefits. Its teaches you minimalism, how leverages automation to name a couple.


in short teaches you to evaluate whats really important. Both in life and when it comes to personal possessions. Most people not only buy way to much house than they need, since most people less time in their house than they do any where else. But they also fill it with way more stuff than they need. There is a reason that public storage facilities are one of the largest growing industries, at least in the United States.

If you stay within your means, and stick to the necessities, at least most of the time, you will free up more capital for your business pursuits, or investments in order to free your self faster than you would otherwise. This allows you to be lite weight and mobile which allows you to seize opportunities that others cannot.

Leverage Automation

Digital nomads are great at leveraging automation and 3rd party services to facilitate and scale their businesses. This is something that is a necessity for them due to the nomadic nature. However you can use these same techniques to simply streamline and lower the over head of your business. For instance print on demand services for anything from shirts and other merch to full Length books. Or if you want a better turn around time, there are warehouse services that allow you to store your products and they handle the shipping.

You can also hire free lance accountants artists and just about any other service you could possibly need. Working from the other side of this equation and free lancing in a skill that you posses can also be a very lucrative opportunity for you whether you are a nomad or not.

Life is Probabilistic

Nothing in life is certain for better or for worse every event has a certain probability for different outcomes. Every action you take or circumstance that you are in either improves or detracts from the likely hood of those outcomes. This is how you have to evaluate life and your goals. For example…

If your goal is to get rich, and you currently are not rich and you take no actions toward that goal, the likely hood of it happening are practically zero. You can’t completely rule out the chance a billionaire will drop out of thin air and offer to give you his fortune, but that is not the smart money bet. Even if you are a beautiful women, unless you bring other things to the table the chance of that is still practically zero.

Now from this starting point, you can evaluate what options will better your chances of achieving that goal. Does going out drinking every night give you a better chance of becoming rich? How about finding a mentor in business or getting into an entrepreneur class with someone who is already successful? Does only working your 9-5 increase or decrease your chances? How about starting a side hustle as a freelancer while you work that same 9-5?

This way of thinking can and should be applied to your evaluation process of any goal you have whether its financial or business related or romantic or personal goals. The more nomadic you are able to be, the better your probability of being able to seize opportunities. Even if you do not actively move around currently.


You should never rule out any source of information that you can learn from. It may not always apply to your situation but you never know when your situation will change or how you might still be able to apply that information to your current situation to better yourself. Digital nomads are no different. They can offer a breadth of knowledge from business, and automation, to travel tricks and minimalism. Don’t write that off just because you don’t want to live over seas. The same knowledge that could let you run a successful business in the US from a hotel in Dubai can just as easily let you run a business from a rural off grid farm in Montana. If that’s your tribes plan.

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Barbarians in Business and career

Just about every piece of career, business  and financial advice that you have been given is either wrong or meant for times of more economic stability. The days of being able to support your family on a single income working for someone else are long sense past. Beyond that working for someone else as your sole form of income makes you incredibly vulnerable. It also practically guarantees you will never be able to get your self to a level of freedom where you can enjoy life. So what are you to do? Bend the knee and reserve your self to a below average life? No you be come a barbarian. Step out of the Empires systems and learn to make money for your self.

You’re nothing but a pawn and will remain a pawn until you play

~Mr. Freeman

Many of you reading this already understand that money is not the end goal, freedom is the end goal, money is the tool Used to achieve it. So for those that know that already this will not be news but for those that don’t you also need to understand that you have been lied to and programed for most of your life to think about money in a way that will keep you from achieving much success in acquiring it. So under this, money or wealth it self is not evil though how it is used can be. Money tends to act like a being, it tends to go where it is appreciated and loved and avoids those who misuse, mistreat and generally despise it. So value it, treat it well, and be thankful for it.

Law of abundance

The law of abundance applies to money just like it does anything else. The way money is viewed by the majority of the population is from a place of scarcity. That there is not enough to go around and that it is not acquirable. This is hard to overcome understandably for some when you are living paycheck to paycheck or worse, but if you don’t stop thinking that there is not enough money out there or that you will never be able to get any of it you will make that true. You need to stop thinking about how you have no money, and start thinking “there is so much money out there how do I get some.”

Start small, you have to crawl before you can walk

You need to learn about finances because you were not taught it in school. You need to learn about budgets, taxes,banking, business and so on. No you don’t need to go to college for any of this. College business knowledge is out of date at best or intentionally misleading at worst.

Now this part is where you learn about where and how you have to play the Empire and its governments games. No matter what you will have to interact with the Empire with certain points in life and this is one of them or increase your chances of going to prison.

  • Personal finances And Tax laws. Without a working knowledge of personal finances and tax laws before you get going your gonna run right into a wall. Its not going to be fun….at least not for most people but too bad. Welcome to doing stuff that is not fun in order to better your life. Learn about budgets, business banking, credit, interest rates, inflation, and the tax code. Many will just say hire a tax person or a financial manager and if you have money already thats an option but if your starting from scratch it is not. Also most people think tax person and go down to H&R block. But those are not tax people they are computer monkeys trained to punch numbers into a tax system. They are not paid enough to learn the tax code and know how to keep as much money in your own pocket as you legally can. No one is going to care more about your money and your taxes then yourself. So learn at least the basics so that you can at least check your tax persons work Until you have enough money to hire a good one


  • Understand opportunity cost. Learn what it is and always factor it in your decision making. In brief opportunity cost is where you have to calculate the cost of paying for something vs doing it yourself. For instance, lets say its lunch time and you need to eat. I takes you an hour to make a healthy meal for your self. Now lets say you make $60 dollars an hour doing what ever it is you do. If it cost less to buy meal prepped meals or have something delivered than it is better financial decision to pay for the meal and work for the hour it takes to get there. You then come out on top. Where as if you cooked your meal you would loose out on the $60 in income. Now in this instance you have to factor quality and healthiness of the food. Cause if all you can have delivered is fast food or cricket paste and you can make an organic grass fed steak, your probably better off cooking cause it may cost you $60 in lost money but it could make you have less chance of having to live in the medical system in your later years getting treatments for any number of things. Opportunity cost applies to any task in a business. Pay roll, packing, shipping, manufacturing etc. At some point it will be cheaper to pay someone to do it than it will be for you to do it your self. However at first get used to wearing many hats.

Research, Evaluate and Plan

Start by researching side hustles and current high in demand skills and see where the rabbit hole takes you. Take note of anything that resonates with you along the way. Side hustles that fit your personality, or skills that you already have, stuff like that.

Once you have done your research and started your foundation of knowledge you need to start evaluating. Use these to get you started.

  • What skills do you have? Are any of them marketable?
  • Do you have any hobbies? Can any of them be monetized?
  • What is your financial status? Whats your income and expenses?
  • Can you expenses be reduced? Do you have money saved?

Once you’ve done a good evaluation, you can start laying out your plan. start with what skills you have that are marketable that you could do freelance or what side hustles you would want to try. Don’t worry about narrowing it down to one, some may not work out or you might not find it as enjoyable than you thought. Once you have a game plan don’t tell anyone. Unless its a mentor that is helping you out, or a member of your family (by the Modern Barbarian definition). You have to be careful who you tell because at best most people wont understand your ambition or your goals and dreams and at worst they will discourage you or actively try and sabotage you. Even and in most case more likely you relatives.

Don’t feel guilty about blowing off clubs or parties to work on your goals, take care of your future self before Giving into your current self or acquaintances Your real friends and family will encourage you not try to drag you back down.

Now for a not strictly business related aspect but important to your financial future none the less. Marry well. This doesn’t mean marry rich, or even marry successful. It does mean find a spouse who understands you, has similar values, and is supportive. Someone who understand finances and that you are trying to sacrifice now for a better future. Some one who brings you peace and not more chaos. It is hard save money and build a business if your spouse wants to go out to dinner every night, or is constantly buying stuff. Now also make sure that you also return the favor When ever you can. This will make the long hours and tired days all the more bearable. If you cant find that right now don’t worry about it. Remember abundance, there is always another girl You will find the right one eventually.

Your Network

Your network is your net worth, A group of 5 disciplined men will out perform 100 undisciplined ones.

Now even those that don’t see networking as above, don’t know how to do it effectively. They think its going to a conference and throwing business cards at people or accumulating friends on linked in or facebook. But networks are not measured by their size but their quality and their connections. You have to actually make connections, spend time with people get to know each other. Business relationships are no different than any other relationships. This is where the true benefit of ivy league… we will call it “education” lies. Its not in the teachers or the knowledge because all the knowledge is out there in books and online As well as better more up to date information. No the true benefit and it could be argued the only benefit is the people that you gain access to.

The average person does not understand networking So trying to network with the average person will yield no results. First off those who don’t understand network or take the time or put in the effort to network say things like “He only got the job because he knows someone.” Well thats the point. It is a safer bet for anyone to do business/ hire someone that they know and have experience with than it is to gamble and someone they don’t no matter what their resume looks like. If they know the person and know that they will do the job then its higher reward to lower risk than hiring someone they don’t know who might do the job.

This is common sense and how the world works. Only recently has building human relations ships that benefit both parties become a bad thing.

Stop being lazy and bitching about it and start putting in the work and doing it.

Multiple stream of incomes

The more streams you have the better off you will be because if one fails then you have backups.

Start with what you have, your current skills or hobbies that you can monetize or free lance, you should know this from your planing phase.

If you already have some money you can look at buying or investing in already running businesses or business with some start up costs Like vending machines or ATMs stuff like that.

If you are starting from scratch and have no skills you can do what I did to start and am still doing, flipping. You can start at home with extra and unused items that can also help you adopt a more minimization or intentional life style by shedding the extra “weight”. It also allows you to work on skills that will help you every where else. Writing the ads and postings requires – sales techniques and copy writing, Making the sale may require negotiation skills etc.

Once you run out of stuff around the house you can cruise the free sections of craigslist or facebook looking for stuff that has value. Some people even turn flipping into their full time job by starting free junk collection companies. They collect the “junk” or stuff that people want gone and refurbish it and sell it.

You can flip to build capital for other ventures or simply while work on learning other skills that you can do freelance. I starting flipping to build capital to start day trading But that is not a skill for most people as a tarting point it takes a lot of time discipline and emotional control and ability to take risk. If you are not that person yet or at the level you can take some risk don’t start down that path.

Investing, asset accumulation

Once you have multiple income streams or your finances have improved in general you can start looking at investing long term, and in addition larger money generating assets Such as turn key business like car washes and laundry mats or real estate rentals etc.

Everyone is starting to see what inflation is doing so Once you start generating enough income you also want to look at hedge against inflation. These are assets that don’t typically loose value. The main stay for this through out history has been precious metals. Gold and silver being the obvious and most easily done. Bitcoin and crypto currencies are also entering into this realm but that is not my area of expertise. I wouldn’t personally hold them as inflation hedges but i have seen them work great for others in investing and trading But i have no personal experience in that matter. For precious metals you have to decide if you want to personally hold physical metals or certificates for metals on deposit. They have their pros and cons as does everything but in short. Deposited gold, or gold on trading exchanges lets you benefit from the gold but not have to secure it your self. While holding it physically means it is actually yours And you control it however you cannot hold/own physical gold in a retirement account from what i understand it has to be kept a gold depository for regulatory reasons.

Now If you have a decent paying job and it fulfills you and you enjoy it, then you are lucky most don’t have that. Nothing says that you have to leave that job to do any of this. In fact you probably shouldn’t. As long as you don’t want to jump off a bridge every time you go to work then why give up another stream of income. But that doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t develop other businesses, assets, and investments on the side. Because one day you might get laid off, or they may make you try to do something you don’t want to do, or try to make you compromise your principles for the job. When this happens you want to be able to say Fuck You! and be able to walk away. If you don’t have anything else built than you cant do this. See this clip from the gambler for more.

The career path

I would argue the time of careers is over and done with. The time where you can enter at the bottom and work your way up and be groomed for the top doesn’t happen anymore out side of family businesses. But if you want to go the employee route or need to in the short term here is some things that can help you as well as benefit you in your side ventures as well.

General skills

  • Learn project management, Everything is a project. This another skill that has a lot of information on the internet and when you have the spare change Consider investing in certification, this is a wildly applicable skill that any employer will benefit from.
  • Learn to compartmentalize, even at a job you love some things wont be fun, work is work some times but you have to be able to do it. Don’t let your shit work day effect your time with you family keep it separate at least until an appropriate time you can decompress and talk with the spouse or have a drink with the boys what ever your process may be.
  • Learn to set boundaries with your employer, Generally speaking unless your working for a small business or a family run business, they probably don’t see you as anything more than a number. If you not in an on call job like an ER nurse or Fire department, don’t work when your not on the clock. Salary pay has some gray area here but if its not specifically mentions in the job requirements do your best not to work unless you are at work. 1 you will work your self to death or to your death bed and wonder where your life went, and 2 you devalue your worth when you do. For instance
  • Your paid 100k year. Thats 1900 a week before taxes, and for a 40hr week that is 48 dollars an hour. But if you are constantly working an extra 2 hours a week at home, even if its just checking email, not only is that 2 hours away from your family or working on your own goals that translates to an extra 10 hours a week which drops your hourly rate to 38 dollars and hour. Your doing 25% more work for the same amount of pay.
  • This is the part people find hard when they are trying to climb the ladder. You want to do more to show initiative but many managers and bosses will take advantage of that so make sure you are making progress and if you are not walk away.
  • If you want to climb the ladder, do your best not to get trapped in specialist roles like legal, or HR. It will limit your promotional abilities to a certain level. Hard to go past Head of HR if all you can do is HR. Get as much varied experience as you can even if you are necessarily getting paid for it. You never know what you’ll need to get promoted one day or if your love of what your doing now will one day run out And you want to change things up. It will stuck starting from scratch if you didn’t branch out earlier.
  • Gain international experience, depending on what you want to do this may not be available or necessary but if the option presents it self and you have the ability jump on it.
  • If your job doesn’t offer the ability to branch out at all or gain additional experience you may consider looking for new jobs or volunteering with other organizations.

General warnings

  • Job titles are a trap, those titles or jobs that they represent may mean nothing in 10 years or even two. Experience is more important, “Launching an e-commerce store” or managing a team of 30 employees is vastly more impressive than “Head CD Technician”
    • Don’t sacrifice your mental and physical health for a job.

      This means more than “do not be fat, but it also means that too. People who are overweight are paid less than those who aren’t… As for a wider definition of health, the evidence that regular physical activity improves mental and emotional performance is overwhelming. Additionally, Americans make up only 5 percent of the planets population but consume more than half of all pharmaceuticals. This rises to 80 percent when it comes to prescription painkillers. Be healthy so you do not need to be stoned at work. That alone will leapfrog you over most of the competition.
      ~Gordon White

  • Don’t complain about your boss to anyone, and don’t participate in office politics but understand what is going on. Don’t burn bridges unnecessarily by gossiping with everyone stay neutral until you have no other choice. If you want to complain about people, or If you need to talk about them, do it to your spouse or a therapist.

Conclusion – Finding balance

As you probably noticed some of the advice somewhat contradicts it self and thats because that is life. You have to figure out your priorities and what is important. Are you young and have no family? You can put in the extra hours If you want. Do you want to climb the ladder at a job instead of going your own thats fine then you have to play the game. Do you want to build your own empire? Then your gonna have to put in the extra hours and work, this might mean you miss out on some family events once in a while, at least at first. This is why the Empires pushes for you to waist your younger years partying And plunging your self into student debt. It wastes your younger years, when you have the energy, opportunity, and the ability to put in those extra hours, gain that experience and build the foundations for those empires. Before you do have families, and other responsibilities that you then have to juggle.

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Beneficial Violence and Warrior Culture

It’s hard to put into words the almost sacredness of violence. I often felt out of place growing up in a society that did not have a warrior culture. Most societies these days not only disregard both but actively try to suppress it within its people.


A lot of people like to think they are “non-violent” or claim to “abhor” violence, and violence is viewed negatively by the general population, but like many things violence is simply a tool. It can be used for good reason or for bad ones.

The more self-righteous individuals like to think they have risen above the violent cultures of their ancestors, while spouting “violence isn’t the answer” or “violence doesn’t solve anything.” They’re wrong, While violence may not be “THE” only answer for some situations it sure is AN answer in all situations. Is it the best or most advisable? Not always but it is always a possible answer and violence does solve a lot of problems, just not always in the most desirable or legal or ethical way.

Many fail to differentiate between justified and unjustified violence all the while everyone of them relies on violence, every day they just outsource it to a third party, typically the government but also some private organizations. See you have to understand that a rule or law not backed by the threat of violence is merely a suggestion.

“If every man lays down his arms and refuses to pick them up, the first man to pick them up can do whatever he wants. Peace can only be maintained without violence so long as everyone sticks to the bargain, and to maintain peace every single person in every successive generation — even after war is long forgotten — must continue to agree to remain peaceful. Forever and ever. No delinquent or upstart may ever ask, “Or Else What?,” because in a truly non-violent society, the best available answer is “Or else we won’t think you’re a very nice person and we’re not going to share with you.” Our troublemaker is free to reply, “I don’t care. I’ll take what I want.” Violence is the final answer to the question, “Or else what?”.”

~Jack Donovan

States and governments rely on men ready to do violence upon any who break their rules. Every regulation, law or legal requirement have penalties if broken or ignored. Escalating until they are abided by or ultimately resulting In seizure of property, imprisonment or death. All carried out by armed personnel who are willing to commit violence on the governments behalf.

Anytime that someone stands up demanding a new law, or harsher punishment they are requesting the state exorcise violence on behalf of a cause that they agree with. Even its for drunk driving, or owning a certain breed of dog or new laws to save the trees. They are demanding the state force you to live how they think you should and ultimate take your property or kill you if you don’t bend the knee and agree to it.

People can only believe they live in a non–violent society, because they are lazy. They don’t want to have to think about their own safety or are to weak and don’t want to change that in order to protect themselves so they beg the state to do it for them. In turn giving up much of their own power from their day to day lives. The Empire’s society relies on proxy violence by their states personnel to the extent that the average person can stumble through life without having to realize or think about the threats around them or how dangerous the real world is. When a threat presents itself or at that rate even an inconvenience or disagreement presents self the average person simply calls a number and an armed individual shows up ready to do violence to sort out the situation.

“Few civilians really take the time to think that what we are essentially doing is paying an armed band protection money to come and do orderly violence on our behalf.”

~Jack Donovan

Weak vs Peaceful

It is only when something happens and calls to the state the for help go unanswered that people begin to realize what the real world looks like and by then its to late. Certain people will loot because they can, and kill because they can and think they’ll get away with it. Dealing with these people and being able to protect yourself then becomes a real concern though by then its to late.

“You should be a monster, everyone says that you should be harmless, virtuous, you shouldn’t do anyone any harm you should sheath your competitive instinct, you don’t want to be too aggressive, you don’t want to be to assertive, you want to take a back seat, and all of that, its like NO. WRONG. You should be an absolute monster and then you should learn how to control it.”

~Jordan Peterson

If you cannot commit acts of violence then you are not peaceful you are weak and you are harmless. When you can both commit violence acts upon other people both mentally and physically but choose not to then and only then are you actually peaceful. This means having the mental strength and your ego in check to the point that you can understand when violence is required and when it is not, when you need to take care of business and when you need to walk away. If you do not have that ability then you are simply at the whim and mercy of those who can.

The benefits of violence

I break violence down into two definitions…

Combat which is life and death. The rapist coming after you in the dark, the armed robber coming into your store a gang committing a home invasion or war. Then there is fighting, which is not life and death. This is fighting sports such as boxing, BJJ, MMA. Physical confrontation with your friends or the boys, brothers fighting etcetera. This is where may of the benefits of violence will show them selves and this is also the violence that is heavily suppressed by the Empire much to the detriment of society, while war specifically Is not suppressed enough.

Fighting is suppressed and punished because the Empire has convinced it citizens that the situations that fall under combat grow out of fighting when that could not be farther from the truth. If more people were exposed to fighting and non life or death violence they would be better men. Fighting can solve problems between brothers and bring them closer together through a shared catharsis. I have had a physical fight of some kind with all of the few friends and brothers I have to this day. Fighting also fosters personal growth. You learn self control and you gain self confidence thats seeps out into all aspects of your life. You learn that violence is as much a law of life as fire is hot, or rocks are hard.

Warrior culture

Growing up with fighting, and beneficial violence is what I look at as warrior culture. Warrior culture used to be a part of life much like brotherhood, those two often have gone hand in hand throughout history. Boys were raised fighting and training and once they became adults took their spot amongst their fathers and brothers as protectors of the clan or tribe. This was a responsibility of all men of the tribe and not just a select few. We don’t have this any more, it has gone away as that responsibility has been ignored, resulting in the world we see around us today.

Now when I say warrior culture many of you will probably start thinking about military or law enforcement. Now while they do have a warrior culture, thats not what I am talking about. Those professions grew out of what I am talking about as populations grew and villages grew to towns and towns to cities etcetera. but these organizations as a whole no longer serve or protect the people, despite that being what we are told. This will be covered in depth in a coming article.

The Empire suppresses warrior culture and promotes victim culture. They reward going on social media and crying about how you were assaulted and punish those who stand up and fight back against their assaulter. Even if ultimately found justified their name and life will have been drug through the mud for 12-18 months or more by the Empires media wing that it wont matter in many ways.


Violence will all ways be with us, in good forms and bad you cannot legislate it away, you can only embrace it and learn to live with it, and like anything else take its benefits and defend against the rest. Learn to use it to protect your self and your tribe from those that would seek to do you harm.

Beneficial violence and warrior culture is only going to come from the tribe level. There and only there you can teach the younger generations how not to be a victim, and recognize threats and true enemies whether they come from over seas or across the street. They will not be taught that any where else, and if you don’t teach them, they will fall victim to the Empire’s propaganda of who their “enemy” is. There is no question as to why the Empire suppresses warrior culture. Warrior cultures raise physically fit, confident, self controlled men. All of which goes against what the Empire wants which is self indulgent, unfit, un healthy, mega consumers.

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