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Beneficial Violence and Warrior Culture

It’s hard to put into words the almost sacredness of violence. I often felt out of place growing up in a society that did not have a warrior culture. Most societies these days not only disregard both but actively try to suppress it within its people.


A lot of people like to think they are “non-violent” or claim to “abhor” violence, and violence is viewed negatively by the general population, but like many things violence is simply a tool. It can be used for good reason or for bad ones.

The more self-righteous individuals like to think they have risen above the violent cultures of their ancestors, while spouting “violence isn’t the answer” or “violence doesn’t solve anything.” They’re wrong, While violence may not be “THE” only answer for some situations it sure is AN answer in all situations. Is it the best or most advisable? Not always but it is always a possible answer and violence does solve a lot of problems, just not always in the most desirable or legal or ethical way.

Many fail to differentiate between justified and unjustified violence all the while everyone of them relies on violence, every day they just outsource it to a third party, typically the government but also some private organizations. See you have to understand that a rule or law not backed by the threat of violence is merely a suggestion.

“If every man lays down his arms and refuses to pick them up, the first man to pick them up can do whatever he wants. Peace can only be maintained without violence so long as everyone sticks to the bargain, and to maintain peace every single person in every successive generation — even after war is long forgotten — must continue to agree to remain peaceful. Forever and ever. No delinquent or upstart may ever ask, “Or Else What?,” because in a truly non-violent society, the best available answer is “Or else we won’t think you’re a very nice person and we’re not going to share with you.” Our troublemaker is free to reply, “I don’t care. I’ll take what I want.” Violence is the final answer to the question, “Or else what?”.”

~Jack Donovan

States and governments rely on men ready to do violence upon any who break their rules. Every regulation, law or legal requirement have penalties if broken or ignored. Escalating until they are abided by or ultimately resulting In seizure of property, imprisonment or death. All carried out by armed personnel who are willing to commit violence on the governments behalf.

Anytime that someone stands up demanding a new law, or harsher punishment they are requesting the state exorcise violence on behalf of a cause that they agree with. Even its for drunk driving, or owning a certain breed of dog or new laws to save the trees. They are demanding the state force you to live how they think you should and ultimate take your property or kill you if you don’t bend the knee and agree to it.

People can only believe they live in a non–violent society, because they are lazy. They don’t want to have to think about their own safety or are to weak and don’t want to change that in order to protect themselves so they beg the state to do it for them. In turn giving up much of their own power from their day to day lives. The Empire’s society relies on proxy violence by their states personnel to the extent that the average person can stumble through life without having to realize or think about the threats around them or how dangerous the real world is. When a threat presents itself or at that rate even an inconvenience or disagreement presents self the average person simply calls a number and an armed individual shows up ready to do violence to sort out the situation.

“Few civilians really take the time to think that what we are essentially doing is paying an armed band protection money to come and do orderly violence on our behalf.”

~Jack Donovan

Weak vs Peaceful

It is only when something happens and calls to the state the for help go unanswered that people begin to realize what the real world looks like and by then its to late. Certain people will loot because they can, and kill because they can and think they’ll get away with it. Dealing with these people and being able to protect yourself then becomes a real concern though by then its to late.

“You should be a monster, everyone says that you should be harmless, virtuous, you shouldn’t do anyone any harm you should sheath your competitive instinct, you don’t want to be too aggressive, you don’t want to be to assertive, you want to take a back seat, and all of that, its like NO. WRONG. You should be an absolute monster and then you should learn how to control it.”

~Jordan Peterson

If you cannot commit acts of violence then you are not peaceful you are weak and you are harmless. When you can both commit violence acts upon other people both mentally and physically but choose not to then and only then are you actually peaceful. This means having the mental strength and your ego in check to the point that you can understand when violence is required and when it is not, when you need to take care of business and when you need to walk away. If you do not have that ability then you are simply at the whim and mercy of those who can.

The benefits of violence

I break violence down into two definitions…

Combat which is life and death. The rapist coming after you in the dark, the armed robber coming into your store a gang committing a home invasion or war. Then there is fighting, which is not life and death. This is fighting sports such as boxing, BJJ, MMA. Physical confrontation with your friends or the boys, brothers fighting etcetera. This is where may of the benefits of violence will show them selves and this is also the violence that is heavily suppressed by the Empire much to the detriment of society, while war specifically Is not suppressed enough.

Fighting is suppressed and punished because the Empire has convinced it citizens that the situations that fall under combat grow out of fighting when that could not be farther from the truth. If more people were exposed to fighting and non life or death violence they would be better men. Fighting can solve problems between brothers and bring them closer together through a shared catharsis. I have had a physical fight of some kind with all of the few friends and brothers I have to this day. Fighting also fosters personal growth. You learn self control and you gain self confidence thats seeps out into all aspects of your life. You learn that violence is as much a law of life as fire is hot, or rocks are hard.

Warrior culture

Growing up with fighting, and beneficial violence is what I look at as warrior culture. Warrior culture used to be a part of life much like brotherhood, those two often have gone hand in hand throughout history. Boys were raised fighting and training and once they became adults took their spot amongst their fathers and brothers as protectors of the clan or tribe. This was a responsibility of all men of the tribe and not just a select few. We don’t have this any more, it has gone away as that responsibility has been ignored, resulting in the world we see around us today.

Now when I say warrior culture many of you will probably start thinking about military or law enforcement. Now while they do have a warrior culture, thats not what I am talking about. Those professions grew out of what I am talking about as populations grew and villages grew to towns and towns to cities etcetera. but these organizations as a whole no longer serve or protect the people, despite that being what we are told. This will be covered in depth in a coming article.

The Empire suppresses warrior culture and promotes victim culture. They reward going on social media and crying about how you were assaulted and punish those who stand up and fight back against their assaulter. Even if ultimately found justified their name and life will have been drug through the mud for 12-18 months or more by the Empires media wing that it wont matter in many ways.


Violence will all ways be with us, in good forms and bad you cannot legislate it away, you can only embrace it and learn to live with it, and like anything else take its benefits and defend against the rest. Learn to use it to protect your self and your tribe from those that would seek to do you harm.

Beneficial violence and warrior culture is only going to come from the tribe level. There and only there you can teach the younger generations how not to be a victim, and recognize threats and true enemies whether they come from over seas or across the street. They will not be taught that any where else, and if you don’t teach them, they will fall victim to the Empire’s propaganda of who their “enemy” is. There is no question as to why the Empire suppresses warrior culture. Warrior cultures raise physically fit, confident, self controlled men. All of which goes against what the Empire wants which is self indulgent, unfit, un healthy, mega consumers.

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