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What is a Modern Barbarian

Most of the “culture” these days is just marketing, and marketing at large is driven by the Empire. When you look around and look at society and its culture you have to understand that very little of it actually occurred or changed naturally. Human beings typically, are easy to influence and manipulate and because of that society is easy to manipulate and influence, if you have enough money or power. There is usually an agenda behind the shifts and trends in culture and society. Very often this agenda is to make someone alot of money or someone more power. For a crash course in what I am talking about check out this video.

What is the empire?

The Empire or “The Empire of Nothing” is a term coined by Jack Donovan, who describes it as “a collection of self interested and self perpetuating groups including the banking institutions, military, governments, unions, special interests groups, the entertainment industry, corporations, the media…” and so on.

There is no one head of the Empire, its not one single all encompassing organization. Its a loose alliance between many smaller and larger organizations. These organizations and the people that own and run them all work to further their own and sometimes combined interests and agendas whatever they may be. You only need to look as far as any current hot button topic to see smaller examples of this in action But for the Empire as a whole the agenda typically is to facilitate global trade, aka make a lot of money.

We will cover this in more depth in a future article but for now under stand that the Empire pushes marketing to influence society. Pushing mainly a wildly unhealthy, both mentally and physically, spiritual-less, materialistic, dependent, mass consumer culture for the basic agenda to make money for the Empire. This marketing takes the form of not only ads, but social movements in order to manipulate the culture.

So! What is a barbarian

Historically A barbarian, is a member of a people who are not part of one of the ancient ‘great nations’ such as the Greek or Roman Empires. The designation is usually applied as a generalization based on a popular stereotype such as “they practices witchcraft” or “they eat children”and used in a derogatory manner to promote these mental images in the populace. This was done to make them seem less than human for one of many agendas usually war propaganda despite the fact that generally “barbarians” were just groups of people different from the Empire of the time that didn’t want to join the empire and wanted to be left alone.

In modern times, as boarders seem to become more and more blurred through social media and the hyper connected nature of the internet. Culture doesn’t stop at boarders or governmental boundaries any more. The Empire’s culture and societal norm transcend them, If you doubt this just look at how many people riot in Europe for someone killed by the police in America or why you can find a McDonalds in most even slightly developed countries, or why people all over the world do the same Tik Tok trends. The term is still used to demean anything that goes against the empires culture, used as a synonym, for evil, disgusting, criminal, etcetera. Even if those they describe as barbarians are none of those things thats the image that pops into everyones mind allowing the Empire to justifying guilting its citizen sheep into doing what it wants them to.

With all of that in mind though, the definition of barbarian still holds true, someone out side or not fully integrated into the Empire. Someone who looks around them today and doesn’t like what they see coming from the Empires so-called civilization and decides to go another way and go against Its “culture.” Someone who lives their life as independent of the Empire and its various systems as possible. Someone who lives outside of its culture or ways of thinking. They think for themselves and makes their own decisions on how to live their life.

Now what is a modern barbarian?

Like stated above, someone out side or not fully integrated into the Empire, or its culture.

The Empire wants its citizens unhealthy, and dependent, the modern barbarian strives to live their life as independent of the Empire and its various systems as possible. Taking responsibility for their own life whether thats their health, wealth or safety. Learning to use the aspects of the Empire of Nothing that is beneficial and leaving the rest.

They want them to only trust the media? The barbarian will think for themselves, do their own research and makes their own decisions.

The Empire wants its men alone and separated? The barbarians will build their own brotherhoods of like minded men.

The Empire wants everyone sleeping around promoting promiscuity in both sexes the barbarians choose to build families and marriages.

They know history and embrace tradition instead of letting it be torn down and destroyed. The modern barbarian knows that history is there to teach us not only the good to do but the bad to avoid In the future.

What does this look like in practice?

This could mean switching from a main stream Allopathic MD to a Functional Medicine MD.

It could be stopping eating manufactured food and go back to eating natural and organic foods.

It could be running your own business, starting a side hustle, learning to day trade, anything to create multiple streams of income.

It could be intentional communities where you share the above responsibilities with other people or simply bringing your family friends and brothers together to do the same thing.

It could be all of these things or only some of them. Its up to you, your brotherhood and your tribe And how you want to achieve your freedom and independence.

So what are you going to do stay a citizen sheep of The Empire of Nothing? Or step out into the wild, be free and Become a modern barbarian?

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