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Subversion and the Stages of Collapse

The American empire is collapsing. Depending on how you look at it this is a good thing or a bad thing. Many say America and think of what the founding fathers started in 1776. While they ignore the reality of America today. In this mind set the collapse is bad.

My dear friends, I think you are in big trouble. Whether you believe it or not, YOU ARE AT WAR. And you may lose this war very soon, together with all your affluence and freedoms, unless you start defending yourselves.

I hope you have noticed on your color televisions that there is in fact war going on right now all over this planet. This war has many faces, but it’s all the same, it’s war. Some call it “national liberation “, some title it “class struggle” or “political terrorism”. Others call it “anti-colonialism” or “struggle for majority rule”. Some even come up with such fancy names as “war of patriotic forces” or “peace movement”

The driving force of this war. has very little to do with natural aspirations of people for better lives and greater freedoms. If at all, these aspirations are being used and taken advantage of by the manipulators and progenitors of the war. The real driving force of this war of aggression is IDEOLOGY something you cannot eat, wear or store for a “rainy day”.

An integral part of this war of ideology is IDEOLOGICAL SUBVERSION the process of changing the perception of reality in the minds of millions of peoples all over the world.

~Yuri Bezmenov 1984

Others see what America has become and see the collapse as good. As a chance to pull the country back to the ideals of freedom it started out with. In this mind set the collapse still may not be great but the possible outcome may be better. Optimism in the dark times I guess, but how did it get to this point?

Some will say its the natural course of empires which is true, most don’t last this long as it is. Others will say it’s getting destroyed. This could also be true the natural cycle of things sure can get helped along.

The “help.” The art of tricking the masses into doing things to hurt themselves and making them believe it is good for them. Is called subversion. This is not a new trick but is as ancient as mankind itself.

In 1984, in the form of a letter addressed to the American people. Yuri wrote a booklet under a pseudonym that talked about Soviet subversion. Subversion that was then under way against the United States. He was former KGB who defected to the United States. He wrote it from the perspective of the USSR vs the United States as that is what he knew.

Now if you read enough history you’ll see the subversion of the United States has been going on long before that.

The subversion started, for all intents and purposes, the moment independence was declared. Some wanted freedom and others wanted to be king them selves or the new equivalent. However many more, only wanted it to fail.

Though without doubt the subversion started as early as 1794. That is when George Washington was convinced by Alexander Hamilton to disregard the founding values and laws, and use the United States military against the citizens. Some refer to this the first civil war but is know as the whiskey rebellion.

Hamilton created legal definitions and precedents at this time that were never challenged. Definitions that undermined the founding documents. Precedents that started the slide down the slope into what the country has become today. Though that is only the earliest I have found. This subversion has continued through out America’s history and still continues today. Though the groups behind it may have changed, or have they?

Who is doing the subverting?

There are many theories and suspects depending on who you talk to. Most come down to a group or groups working together who yearn for totalitarianism. This is the shadowy heart of many movements over the decades.

Yuri blamed The USSR and Communism as that was the world view of the time and that was his first hand experience. As we know the USSR is no longer, how ever Communism does still remain. Though today like it was back then, communism is only the front ideology to push the masses. The group or groups behind want little more than power and control. That is their ideology all the rest is different flavoring for the masses.

I refer to this group by the term coined by Jack Donovan as the Empire of Nothing. He describes it as a collection of self interested and self perpetuating groups. This group includes banking institutions, the military, governments, unions, special interests groups, the entertainment industry, corporations, the media, and so on.

While this definition is accurate. I believe there is more cooperation, intent, and subtle steering of the Empire and its actions. This group and its individual parts do have their own goals. However they all benefit from an increase in centralized control and power.

The founding of the original United States, it’s values and then ideology flew in the face of all of that. I say the original founding because if you look around today the United States is no where near what the founding fathers had envisioned. It could be argued that it in fact has already been subverted.

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