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Barbarian Book Club #2: Barbarian Fitness

8 Weeks to SEALFIT: An Expedition into Barbarian Fitness and Self-Reliance

I have used a variety of programs and fitness books over the years. I still will switch it up depending on the situation at hand. However in the realm of high level fitness and books that promise transformation. 8 Weeks to SEALFIT by Mark Divine, a retired Navy SEAL, is one that will not only boost your strength but your endurance and work capacity as well. If you can do it.

I will routinely return to this program to get back to basics or when I want to evaluate my ability after trying something else. With a mix of stern military discipline and a dash eastern philosophy. This is by no means the program that you start with if you are only starting your fitness journey. Though it is one that will kick you up to the next level if you stick with it. There is also a “run up” program for anyone that cannont quite complete the actual program yet, or that just want to build up and prepare you for it.

The Serious Stuff

Physical Preparedness: Divine doesn’t just throw you into the deep end; he teaches you to swim first. The book outlines a comprehensive fitness regime that includes strength, stamina, endurance, and even the less glamorous but crucial flexibility. Each week ramps up in intensity, but it’s structured in such a way that it is not over whelming.

Mental Toughness: Here’s where the book might be different then others you have read. With a blend of Zen and warrior ethos. He talks about “Kokoro,” the merging of heart and mind in action, which is as much about mental resilience as it is about physical prowess. You learn breathing techniques, visualization, help “stay in the fight” when your brain is screaming to quit.

For the Scouts

Adaptability: Divine’s training philosophy isn’t confined to the gym. It’s immensely applicable to outdoor enthusiasts. The exercises and mental training prepare you for unpredictable environments, from scaling a mountain to enduring a long hike. The workouts get progressively harder you may feel like you are making no progress. The first time that I ran through his program, I had no idea how much my level of fitness was increasing. Until I deployed on a roll out for a wild fire. Once we hit the line and started to get to work, I noticed that I was not getting winded or tired like I normally would. I moved with much more ease even with my ruck on than I had on previous fires. I went longer and harder with less needed rest and less overall felt stress.

Self-Reliance: The book subtly instills a sense of independence. By the end of it, you’re not just fitter; you’re more capable of handling yourself. This aspect should resonates deeply with those who love wilderness adventures and combat sports. As well as thoughs who want to be an asset in an emergency and not a liability.

Teamwork and Leadership: Even though the focus is on personal development, Divine never lets you forget the importance of team dynamics. Crucial for anyone planning group expeditions, is part of a team or is simply wanting to lead in their community or family.


The foundation of a free life is. healthy body. Without that you can do nothing else. “8 Weeks to SEALFIT” isn’t just a book; it’s a crucible in its own rite. How many people do you see getting old and can barely move becuase their muscles have deterioated to the point of no return. How many young people barely move to begin with and already have a list of health problems.

For those who love the outdoors, value survival skills, and strive for a self-reliant life, this book serves as both a manual and a memoir of what human potential looks like when pushed to its limits with a smile. It’s serious about making you tough both physically and mentally. Two traits that we will all need in the coming years.

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Barbarian Scout

Scout – A single solider or team sent out ahead of a main force to gather info about the enemy by gathering info or intelligence especially by reconnoitering. Typically more elite teams, or individuals able to operate efficiently alone or with smaller numbers due to their increased knowledge of combat and survival skills.


This  be the start of the new Scout catagory .

The scout catagory will be content based around wilderness skills such as survival and preparedness, tracking, wilderness medicine, and other topics having to do with non urban environments.

Scout topics will also  be posted under the barbarian tradecraft instagram and will have its own section on substack for the full length articles and as usual will show up to different degrees on all other Modern Barbarian accounts/pages.


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