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Barbarian Working Dogs

Dogs have played a key role in human life for longer than they haven’t and for some of you, your dog very well may be the most loyal and devoted being in your life. Though just like with people you need to repay that in kind. Don’t be a user whether its with people or with animals. The dog handler relationship is symbiotic. Though you need to approach it as a partnership you do need to maintain a pack leader position as well. The best way I have come to describe it is, the good team leader. The one in charge, but cares about the team and is still in the action with them.


I always liked watching military dogs, especially the special operations dogs Work because they were very versatile. They are considered multipurpose working dogs. A working dog is trained in a single discipline and a multi purpose working dog is trained in multiple disciplines. Up until the time that I noticed these dogs I had only know dogs that’s did one thing. Hunting dogs found birds, police dogs bite bad guys, herding dogs move sheep etc. So when I found dogs that were of such a caliber that they could do 2 or more jobs I was hooked that’s when I got my first Malinois.

I had already had a German Shepherd but he had no aptitude for any discipline let alone multiple though he was a great companion. This first mal how ever was and with him I started developing how I would train my dogs from then on. I have given the plan multiple titles over the years for ease of conversation so I will do so again here and it will from no on be known as….

The Barbarian Working Dog Program

All of these disciplines can be started almost on day one, and should be started early, they just need to be tailored to a young dog like you would teaching a child.

Prey-drive and protection work

I knew I wanted the dog to be protection trained because despite what most dog owners think, no your dog will not likely protect you unless its trained to. Just like a person if you don’t teach them how to fight, if they do step into the ring and not run away, they are not likely to be successful.

Though I do not subscribe to the drive theory per say anymore, the characteristics for protection work, (there are many but many trainers focus solely on prey drive) is something you need to screen for from the time they are puppies. You also want to look for confidence, defensive behaviors, and more.

I do not recommend that you try and train your dog in any protection sport/discipline without the help of someone who knows what they are doing. There are consequences and liability involved if done wrong or poorly and not only you but your dog will suffer the consequences if something goes wrong.



If you are a hiker, it is important not necessarily to train them but expose them to obstacles to help them build confidence. This will not only help them hiking but it will build trust between you, and the confidence will also translate into all the other disciplines. I then take this to another level as they grow up and expose them to rappelling and hoisting.

I grew up in the Rockies and always like having my dog go where I do so If I need to rappel out of a situation I want my dog to be able to do it as well. This does require rated equipment in order to do it safely and only a few companies make rappel rated dog equipment so you have to do your research.

Scent work

I had no use for, my dogs to be trained for drugs or bombs. I also had no desire to deal with the licensing required to get the materials needed to train them. Though the same discipline and techniques can be used for many other things such as search and rescue and hunting and that’s the direction I went.

I took the methods used for tracking suspects and lost people and simply changed the scents used. There is a host of animal scents that you can purchase for this. Check the legality in your area for what animals that you can hunt with dog. In some states you can only use dogs to track already downed game and some places its only for small game so do your research.

I then also used the methods for bomb and drug detection dogs and used them to train shed antler retrieval.

Mushing/load hauling

Now last but not least and the most recent addition to their training is mushing/sled pulling.

Now whether they are working together on the same line or they have their own small sled(polk) this offers great fitness benefits for the dogs as well as makes carrying their own gear when adventuring much easier on their back and hips.

The only energy I am going to expend talking about PETA and the propaganda they spew against mushing and all dog sports in general. Is this they have never worked a dog or ridden in a sled to understand anything about what they talk about. There are bad people in any industry or sport that cause problems but that do not represent the whole. A fact they love to use in their own defense but forget when they are attacking others. Many of the dogs love mushing and running the trails in the winter more than their other disciplines. You couldn’t force these dogs to do this if they didn’t want to.

The techniques and methods used for training are always evolving but these are the disciplines that most of the training we do revolves around.

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