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Barbarian book club #1 : A Chase Hughes two-fer on human behavior

I learned more about human behavior and psychology in reading this one book than I did in two semesters of college psych courses. Its in depth but still understandable by the average person.

The second book Six Minute X-ray that is a great add on to Ellipsis if you start there, or its a great place to start for those starting from scratch.

While Ellipsis has everything from human behavior, profiling, influence, and much more. Six Minute X-ray focuses entirely on the profiling system Chase Hughes developed.

Why is all this important?

Having an understanding of human behavior can be a game changer in just about any aspect of life……

From the business stand point it can improve your sales or negotiations by being able to gain some more insight into what might be going on in the head of the person sitting across the desk from you, as well as giving you some skills to influence people to direct them toward your way of thinking, to get them to help you accomplish your goals or simply improve your team management.

From the security and tradecraft stand point, it will help you be able to under stand the baseline of the world around you so that you can more effectively figure out when something is off. You will be able to more easily identify threats and or deception.

Deception detection is also very important for doctors in order for them to decide if a patient is truly in pain or just trying to scam drugs.

If nothing else The Ellipsis Manual will pry open your eyes as to how easy a human being can be manipulated with out their knowledge and on a wide scale. It can be quite frightening but by simply becoming aware to that fact, it sets you up in a better place to defend against it. You can’t defend against what you don’t know about.

So what is the book that is better than these for human behavior? I was able to get my hands on a limited release book from Chase Hughes called the Ops Manual that you could call the Bible of human behavior and influence. It is as thick as a phone book and I am still reading through it so I will cover it its own post when I actually get al the way through it.

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